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 excellence ['ekslәns]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 优秀, 卓越, 优点

  1. We all praised the excellence of her cooking.
  2. He is the elder statesman par excellence.
  3. Characterized by excellence or distinction; eminent.

[ noun ]
  1. the quality of excelling; possessing good qualities in high degree

  2. <noun.attribute>
  3. an outstanding feature; something in which something or someone excels

  4. <noun.cognition>
    a center of manufacturing excellence
    the use of herbs is one of the excellencies of French cuisine

Excellence \Ex"cel*lence\, n. [F. excellence, L. excellentia.]
1. The quality of being excellent; state of possessing good
qualities in an eminent degree; exalted merit; superiority
in virtue.

Consider first that great
Or bright infers not excellence. --Milton.

2. An excellent or valuable quality; that by which any one
excels or is eminent; a virtue.

With every excellence refined. --Beattie.

3. A title of honor or respect; -- more common in the form

I do greet your excellence
With letters of commission from the king. --Shak.

Syn: Superiority; pre["e]minence; perfection; worth;
goodness; purity; greatness.

  1. Greenspan is hardly a disinterested observer of the Olympics, or athletic excellence.
  2. The awards, which recognize excellence in reporting, were made by the Raymond Clapper Foundation and the Barnet Nover Foundation. Each award also carried a $1,500 cash prize.
  3. Feynman was especially popular with Caltech students, who honored him for teaching excellence in 1982.
  4. George Bartenieff and Roberts Blossom won Obies for sustained excellence in performance.
  5. Bush also backs expanded aid for magnet schools, which strive for excellence through academic specialties.
  6. "There are no excellent companies," says the former excellence pitchman.
  7. It is the time par excellence when the disciplined angler can put aside thoughts of quantity and may reasonably pursue the dream of the monster.
  8. Hippocrates, which won a National Magazine Award for general excellence in its first year, aims at an upscale sophisticated audience interested in maintaining or improving personal or family health.
  9. WCBS-TV in New York received the award for excellence in journalism in large market television for its focus on street drug trafficking; WFAA-TV of Dallas, Texas, was a finalist.
  10. 'We have to lift our game.' These are hard words from a company which has a strong, even unassailable position at the top of the world oil industry, with a reputation for thoroughness and excellence.
  11. If you promise but don't deliver you end up like British Rail.' During the mid 1980s, US corporate managers were driven by the cult of excellence.
  12. The Orchestra of Illinois has a record of artistic excellence and could resolve its problems, he said.
  13. Business journalists from The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and The Associated Press were among those honored with prizes for excellence in two contests.
  14. A nationwide network of centers of excellence modeled after state programs designed to foster research and new product development.
  15. Following Spook's show, a committee of 24 international fashion writers awarded this season's Golden Thimble prize for all-around excellence to Dior's couturier, Marc Bohan.
  16. Other winners in the TV competition were: _Overall excellence: KCNC-TV, Denver; Marv Rockford, news director.
  17. You all are realists," Bush said. "I'm going to do better than people think in that regard." He promised that "I will have minority men and women of excellence as full-scale partners in my administration."
  18. "The endowment can and should only determine artistic excellence.
  19. Truth and beauty and excellence are regarded as irrelevant; questions of intellectual aesthetic quality, dismissed." The report says Western tradition is rich and creative, but many colleges are abandoning courses that teach it.
  20. Her goal for her son was academic excellence.
  21. He also denies Mr. Peabody's charge that NCNB's disclosures have been wanting, noting that NCNB recently won an award for excellence in corporate reporting from the Association for Investment Management & Research, a financial analysts group.
  22. Other winners were: _The Sciences, general excellence, under 100,000 circulation.
  23. Mr Elder, a Don Carlos conductor of proven excellence, will no doubt regain equilibrium and free himself from the tics of hustling the voices (choral as well as solo) that so marred the first half of the evening.
  24. James Herman, editor of the Traverse City, Mich., Record-Eagle, announced the results at a program on excellence in small newspapers at the society's convention here Thursday.
  25. Sueddeutsche Zeitung of Munich (liberal): "In a nation like the Federal Republic (of Germany), where the parties have extended their power into every corner of society, the drama par excellence now occurring on the American stage would be unimaginable.
  26. "The society will be able to promote and improve the profession of journalism from Greencastle, where we can draw from DePauw's academic resources and traditions of excellence," Carolyn S. Carlson, SPJ president, said in a news release.
  27. Your excellence in journalism was recently demonstrated in Carol Hymowitz's article about the overscheduling of children in organized activities and various classes ("For Many Kids, Playtime Isn't Free Time," second front page, Sept. 20).
  28. But despite moments of journalistic excellence, the magazine never captured the identity of the state the way other such publications around the country have been able to do.
  29. Barnes believes an emphasis on profits would sacrifice journalistic excellence.
  30. Other winners were: For reporting excellence: honorable mention to Roger Roy, The Orlando (Fla.) Sentinel; series-special section award to Doug Heuck, The Pittsburgh Press.
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