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 evolved 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 变体

  1. Large scale industry emerged only gradually as technology evolved.
  2. The American constitution was planned; the British constitution evolved.
    美国宪法是精心制定的, 英国宪法是约定俗成的.

Evolve \E*volve"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Evolved}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Evolving}.] [L. evolvere, evolutum; e out + volvere to
roll. See {Voluble}.]
1. To unfold or unroll; to open and expand; to disentangle
and exhibit clearly and satisfactorily; to develop; to
derive; to educe.

The animal soul sooner evolves itself to its full
orb and extent than the human soul. --Sir. M.

The principles which art involves, science alone
evolves. --Whewell.

Not by any power evolved from man's own resources,
but by a power which descended from above. --J. C.

2. To throw out; to emit; as, to evolve odors.

  1. By the early 1980s the company had evolved into one of the country's biggest trucking companies.
  2. We can draw on facilities in 28 countries,' he says. The company is experienced in changing its role as the computer industry has evolved.
  3. He spent much of his life explaining that the 'extended order of human co-operation' - his phrase for the complex of rules and institutions underlying capitalism - evolved spontaneously.
  4. Brown said one goal of the mission is to try to learn why the two planets evolved so differently.
  5. He then became aware of research by Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza and colleagues at Stanford University that suggested that language emerged about the same time as modern humans evolved in Africa.
  6. And in a century of slow but constant change, capitalism has evolved into something vastly different from what it was.
  7. She vividly remembered years ago hearing Einstein lecture on his theory of relativity and how the E equals mc2 evolved.
  8. Here's a glimpse of how the Darlings' dinner time ritual has evolved: Janice Darling's variety store is nestled among the twinkling lights and garlands that festoon Main Street.
  9. C' has evolved and he's the guy who combines all these things." Size, power and all-night parties are part of Mr. C. Personality counts, too.
  10. What began as a small gathering has evolved into a major production at the parish hall of Our Lady of Consolation Church, about the only structure that identifies Vattman as a community in southern Kleberg County.
  11. Gelb and Furlaud said the idea of merging evolved out of discussions of their industry's future that the two men have held over the past several years at Mr. Furlaud's apartment on Manhattan's Central Park South.
  12. "It's just evolved," he says.
  13. The farm subsidy fight evolved as the biggest stumbling block to conclusion of the most ambitious round of trade liberalization talks ever undertaken.
  14. Koppel, with ABC News for 27 of his 50 years, became permanent anchor of the series two weeks after it began, staying at the helm as "Nightline" premiered and evolved into its half-hour, five-night format.
  15. The machine evolved faster than the legal or moral concepts it required.
  16. That group evolved into a drill team and eventually became the Kansas City Marching Cobras _ so named after a school librarian watching from a third-floor window said it looked like a snake.
  17. By now, the schools have evolved into sprawling centers for research, political debates and government executive training courses.
  18. An interview Mr. Abedi had Sunday with two local publications effectively bore her out: Speaking in partial sentences and unable to recall many events, Mr. Abedi denied any wrongdoing but said little to explain how BCCI evolved into such a mess.
  19. In the past, government investigations have evolved from complaints filed by employee "whistle-blowers," although the Northrop spokesman said he wasn't aware of such a complaint leading to this recent raid.
  20. A Shearson spokesman responded: "These kind of actions seem to have evolved out of a mischaracterization of Shearson's role, which was simply to accommodate the specific financing needs of a client."
  21. Net income rose to Dollars 179.5m for the nine month period, an increase of 60 per cent. The use of local area networks (LANs) has evolved over the past decade to become a primary element of corporate computing systems.
  22. The U.S. welfare system is a chaotic collection of more than 100 programs that has evolved in a haphazard, piecemeal fashion and left us with a set of complicated and often counterproductive eligibility standards, benefit levels and responsibilities.
  23. It started as a service at the wholesale end of the distribution chain, involving fabrics sold by textile mills to manufacturers, and evolved to include goods sold by manufacturers to retailers.
  24. As those creatures evolved into humans and various species of monkeys, the parent AIDS virus evolved into the different forms seen today, the researchers speculated.
  25. As those creatures evolved into humans and various species of monkeys, the parent AIDS virus evolved into the different forms seen today, the researchers speculated.
  26. The provisions of the Cork County Development Plan do not provide explicit guidelines on the restriction of industry to particular areas nor have any land-use principles evolved.
  27. But by the time construction started in 1983, the hotel had evolved into the Taj: a hotel-cum-casino-cum-convention center.
  28. Analysts said the beer market has evolved into an all-or-none situation, where drinkers either want regular beer or beer with no alcohol at all.
  29. However, the prospect of any assisted transaction has evolved slowly, in part because government regulators have been wrestling with how such a transaction might be structured.
  30. Their strategy evolved largely from Marion's work as a thrift analyst on Wall Street in the early 1960s.
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