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 euphoric [ju:'fɔrik]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 欣快症的, 欣快的

[医] 精神愉快的, 欣快的

  1. When things are up, it's very euphoric.
  2. Euphoric, he even thought he might settle all his problems in one fell swoop.
  3. Maybe you like the soaring euphoric cerebral qualities that will leave you in a hazed fluster?

[ adj ]
exaggerated feeling of well-being or elation

euphoric \euphoric\ adj.
strongly experiencing a feeling of well-being; feeling
euphoria. Opposite of {dysphoric}. [Narrower terms:

Syn: elated, happy.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. "One shouldn't be too euphoric," cautioned a German banker with close ties to South Africa.
  2. "It's easy to get euphoric during very good times like this," Merrill Chairman William A. Schreyer said.
  3. "The markets have become euphoric, and I think some of that euphoria is overdone," said Mr. Robertson of Mellon Bank.
  4. In East Berlin, the euphoric reaction has come from the people rather than from the government, which remains fiercely opposed to any trends toward reunification.
  5. Mr Steven Chia is euphoric about his latest shrimp venture.
  6. Republicans are euphoric as the vice president proclaims that voters have given him a mandate to "continue and expand upon the Reagan-Bush legacy."
  7. The atmosphere was euphoric.
  8. "One of the most fascinating aspects of this rally is that people are still not euphoric or even very enthusiastic.
  9. Reporting on Bush's conversations, Fitzwater said, "The response has been overwhelmingly supportive and almost euphoric in many cases in terms of the Soviet Union and the United States being able to come together this way.
  10. "The flight back was completely euphoric," said Colin Cleary, who lives in Colombia with his wife and 18-month-old child. "We were so grateful to Eastern to get us back.
  11. Still, some traders cautioned against a euphoric feeling that the world has completely changed and that many big companies now will become takeover targets.
  12. And I feel good that it's behind us, but I can't be euphoric about every provision in this bill.
  13. However, not everyone was euphoric about Saturday's meeting.
  14. "We shouldn't be incessantly euphoric about all the welcome changes," Alexander Haig told the panel discussion.
  15. This doesn't jibe with Fasting, the Ultimate Diet, which says people who don't eat feel euphoric, find spiritual revelations and regulate their bowels.
  16. "But that's not what I'm referring to when I talk about euphoric expectations of some deal," Bush said. "There isn't going to be such a deal.
  17. Everybody's so euphoric, these transactions get me a little bit concerned."
  18. "I was euphoric, and just sailed through the whole thing," he says.
  19. "When it appeared that we had achieved air superiority that prompted an enormous euphoric sigh of relief because it meant Saudi oil fields, terminals and tankers were safe," he said.
  20. Even before last week's crisis, major world equity markets were anything but euphoric.
  21. That would explain the outperformance of water and electricity shares since Tuesday, not to mention the euphoric response to Royal Bank's 25 per cent dividend increase.
  22. "I don't want to sound euphoric about it," he said, but "we're making some headway." Kempthorne told Bush, "Boise is not immune from the drug scourge.
  23. Acquisitions made in the euphoric days at the start of the decade now look overpriced.
  24. "The big story of 1989 is certainly the almighty dollar and its miraculous effect on financial markets, inflation expectations and euphoric confidence around the world," said Rao Chalasani, an analyst at Prescott, Ball & Turben Inc.
  25. "Vremya" cameras lingered on Minnesota crowds that met the Soviet couple with the kind of euphoric welcome they never receive in their own country, where citizens are embittered by empty store shelves and painful reforms.
  26. Shock, particularly among young investors who have known nothing but euphoric profits in the past five years.
  27. 'For a while, they were the darlings - but not any more.' Support on the streets is, too, falling from its initial euphoric levels.
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