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 entrapping 添加此单词到默认生词本
v. 使落入陷阱;使陷入困境;诱骗(entrap的现在分词)

  1. And finally your father succeeded in entrapping some of them and the rest of them fleed back to china.
  2. Entrapping methods with agar, gelatine, calcium alginate, polyviayl alcohol and acrylamide gels as entrapping agents for immobilizing microbial cell were studied.
  3. Bioaffinity materials prepared by entrapping highly selective bioligands in the pores of a sol-gel glass offer unique advantages for the clean-up of complex sample matrices.

Entrap \En*trap"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Entrapped}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Entrapping}.] [Pref. en- + trap: cf. OF. entraper.]
To catch in a trap; to insnare; hence, to catch, as in a
trap, by artifices; to involve in difficulties or distresses;
to catch or involve in contradictions; as, to be entrapped by
the devices of evil men.

A golden mesh, to entrap the hearts of men. --Shak.

Syn: To insnare; inveigle; tangle; decoy; entangle.

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