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 endless ['endlis]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不停的, 无穷尽的, 无尽的

[机] 无端的, 环状的

  1. Her endless patience made her the best nurse in the hospital.
  2. I am too busy to listen to her endless grievance.
  3. British writer best known for his popular historical novels, especially The Last Days of Pompeii(1834), and for his seemingly endless convoluted sentences.

[ adj ]
  1. tiresomely long; seemingly without end

  2. <adj.all>
    endless debates
    an endless conversation
    the wait seemed eternal
    eternal quarreling
    an interminable sermon
  3. infinitely great in number

  4. <adj.all>
    endless waves
  5. having no known beginning and presumably no end

  6. <adj.all>
    the dateless rise and fall of the tides
    time is endless
    sempiternal truth
  7. having the ends united so as to form a continuous whole

  8. <adj.all>
    an endless chain

Endless \End"less\, a. [AS. endele['a]s. See {End}.]
1. Without end; having no end or conclusion; perpetual;
interminable; -- applied to length, and to duration; as,
an endless line; endless time; endless bliss; endless
praise; endless clamor.

2. Infinite; excessive; unlimited. --Shak.

3. Without profitable end; fruitless; unsatisfying. [R.]
``All loves are endless.'' --Beau. & Fl.

4. Void of design; objectless; as, an endless pursuit.

5. having a linear or ribbonlike form with the two ends
connected together, such as in a circle, ellipse, torus,
or any other closed loop. Belts or chains used in drive
mechanisms are considered endless in this sense. See
{endless chain}.

{Endless chain}, a chain which is made continuous by uniting
its two ends.

{Endless screw}. (Mech.) See under {Screw}.

Syn: Eternal; everlasting; interminable; infinite; unlimited;
incessant; perpetual; uninterrupted; continual;
unceasing; unending; boundless; undying; imperishable.

  1. But this dispute is just the latest round in a seemingly endless struggle between the two neighbors.
  2. The list is endless, the show unfortunately little longer than a concert.
  3. There are seemingly endless twists to universal life, and it pays to ask questions about all of them.
  4. He could give us a welcome break from more committees, quangoes and endless talk about the millennium.
  5. This sophisticated analysis seems to have come from watching endless hours of American soap operas and close observation of tourists wandering around in "gaudy checked trousers."
  6. Several villagers welcome three visitors to Tiouilit, and over endless glasses of sweet tea they gab till long after midnight before allowing their guests to sleep on the straw-matted floor.
  7. The worrywarts at the Washington Times complain that Mr. Bush "promises to commit us to military confrontations and an endless series of diplomatic crises in the future."
  8. Poland is awash in would-be benefactors. Executives, ambassadors, governors, heads of state, celebrities _ the parade of visitors trailing their good intentions through the country's wrecked economy is endless.
  9. However, Mitchell said he wouldn't surrender the right to filibuster the bill, a threat of endless debate which can only be stopped by a 60 vote majority.
  10. Other provisions would try to limit the endless appeals of death-penalty convictions, which since the return of the death penalty in 1973 have made the average delay from conviction to execution more than eight years.
  11. My highlights were endless, from January to June.
  12. Obviously making any family work is an endless job that's hard enough even when the family isn't public," Penn said.
  13. Under the titles, a helicopter shot focuses on the New York skyline, then across an endless landscape of gravestones.
  14. The whys are too endless and boring to go into.
  15. Is the United States going to have a coherent foreign policy, or is it going to witness an endless series of debates over legal language typified by the Boland amendments?
  16. Or does the news reader get tired? We also suffer from endless compilations, complete with ineffable music, telling how good the news service is, what fine documentaries are available and what can be bought from the BBC shop.
  17. But it does add to Lilly scientists' bag of tricks a three-ton tool of unprecedented power, amplifying their ability to experiment with molecular images and sift through endless new-drug candidates.
  18. The endless wrangling has sapped the authority of his premiership.
  19. "We fall on the ground, on the bosom of sands, like an endless seed looking for water," he read.
  20. "Please believe your possibilities are endless; if you have self-confidence you can move mountains," Walesa said at a dinner.
  21. Instead of requiring the typing of endless lines of gobbledygook, Hypercard asked users to create computerized "index cards," each of which stored information or made something happen on the computer.
  22. "In 1991, many magazines are going to look as thin as pamphlets." America's seemingly endless fascination with celebrities and movie stars made Fame's magazine category a relatively sturdy one.
  23. We need not linger long over the endless list of examples.
  24. The permutations are endless and Sacchi seems to have been trying to run through them all. - Sacchi revolutionised Italian football when he managed AC Milan.
  25. Critics of the system point to seemingly endless delays in carrying out executions because of almost open ended "habeas corpus" proceedings.
  26. The bill would finally limit the endless appeals from death-penalty convictions and create new death penalties for drug-related killings.
  27. Removing red tape is an endless task requiring some delicate judgments but it is a challenge which yet again requires a sustained effort from the top.
  28. Crews cited delayed accreditation, the half-finished state of the Arche, which lead to power cuts and communications problems, the endless security checks and the travel arrangements between assorted press centers and hotels.
  29. Bush called it "an unforgettable experience." It was a scene of endless desert, marked only by clumps of camouflage netting that concealed combat vehicles and other equipment.
  30. Indeed, her intonations, to which she gives endless thought, often are clearly right even when they are unfamiliar: 'Always full of new touches of invention,' says Sir John Gielgud on directing her.
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