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 encoded 添加此单词到默认生词本
v. 编码
a. 编码的

  1. Passing the tip of a wand reader over a magnetically encoded stripe of a merchandise ticket, credit card, or employee badge.
  2. Communication of audible signals encoded in electromagnetic waves.

  1. An identification system that was originally devised for sheep-tagging is being tested in airport baggage handling systems. Magellan Technology, an Australian company, has developed a radio frequency-based device that recognises encoded tags.
  2. One payoff might be chiplike integrated circuits in which electrically encoded information is translated by porous silicon into light-encoded data, which could be sent at high speed between different computers or components within the same computer.
  3. The drives, which are very similar to compact disk audio players, use a tiny laser to read data encoded in microscopic pits etched inside a spinning plastic disk.
  4. But Panamanian Vice President Ricardo Arias Calderon said he was unaware that the calls were encoded to hide a plot for insurrection.
  5. It would be electronically encoded with information about an individual's background and the card could be decoded by machines that would be available to gun dealers.
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