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 emulsion [i'mʌʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 乳状液, 乳剂

[化] 乳化作用; 乳剂; 乳液; 乳状液; 乳浊液

[医] 乳剂

  1. I have to buy some white emulsion paint to freshen the walls.
  2. Addition of the shortstop causes the emulsion to break.
  3. In photography, the light sensitivity of film emulsion.

[ noun ]
  1. (chemistry) a colloid in which both phases are liquids

  2. <noun.substance>
    an oil-in-water emulsion
  3. a light-sensitive coating on paper or film; consists of fine grains of silver bromide suspended in a gelatin

  4. <noun.artifact>

Emulsion \E*mul"sion\, n. [From L. emulgere, emulsum: cf. F.
['e]mulsion. See {Emulge}.]
Any liquid preparation of a color and consistency resembling
milk; as:
(a) In pharmacy, an extract of seeds, or a mixture of oil and
water united by a mucilaginous substance.
(b) In photography, a liquid preparation of collodion holding
salt of silver, used in the photographic process.

  1. The naturally occurring bacteria reduce the oil to an emulsion of fatty acids.
  2. The naturally occurring bacteria reduce the oil to an emulsion of fatty acids, which sinks and is eaten by fish.
  3. On its state maps, for example, Raven's cartographic team uses film with a removable emulsion, peeling away the surface coating between each set of contour lines and adding a band of color.
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