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 eightfold ['eitfәuld]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 八倍的, 八层的

ad. 八倍地, 八层地

  1. Multiplied by eight; eightfold.
  2. Since taking over the helm at Generale des Eaux/ Vivendi in1996, Messier has increased the firm's market capitalisation eightfold.
  3. Even demographics are working against the middle class family, as the odds of having a weak elderly parent-and all the attendant need for physical and financial assistance-have jumped eightfold in just one generation.

[ adj ]
having eight units or components

Eightfold \Eight"fold`\, a.
Eight times a quantity.

  1. The New York Times Co. said Wednesday its earnings soared eightfold in the third quarter because of a onetime gain on the sale of its cable television system.
  2. The company sells its ratings and directories for $15 and up, and the almost 25,000 orders that came in in the first half represented an eightfold increase from a year earlier.
  3. Travelers Corp. recorded an eightfold increase in profits for 1989 despite a 40 percent decline in the fourth quarter, the company said.
  4. The Nikkei index, now in the 34,000 range, has risen eightfold in the past decade, compared to a rise of less than 40% of that amount in the Dow Jones Industrial Average during the same period.
  5. It says that they may face further competition for deposits from new competitors such as telephone banks. According to the analysis of deposits since 1975, only a quarter of the eightfold increase in banks' personal deposits is due to new money.
  6. "Lower-income earners saw their tax rates rise sixfold to eightfold, and higher income earners saw their rates double or triple," the report said. "Similarly, tariff rates were raised sharply.
  7. Government aid to farmers has increased eightfold during that time.
  8. Together with the doubling of power allowed by the 2200-600s, that provides roughly an eightfold increase in speed.
  9. Strokes that caused severe disability or death were reduced eightfold.
  10. Use of rear-seat belts has increased eightfold over the last six years, with five states requiring it, officials said.
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