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 earthquake-proof 添加此单词到默认生词本



    1. Discs and computers are kept in a bunkered building on 1.5 acres. The building is fireproof and earthquake-proof, and has five huge diesel generators _ "enough to run a small city" _ in case power fails.
    2. The company that lost a bitter trademark dispute in a federal appeals court is a futuristic computerized information retrieval service, with banks of computers in a bunkered, earthquake-proof building.
    3. In Japan, where Wright has had a fanatical following since his first visit in 1903, an outdoor museum near Nagoya has reproduced in authentic scale the facade of his earthquake-proof Imperial Hotel.
    4. The storage rooms are earthquake-proof.
    5. The institute had been researching earthquake-proof construction techniques.
    6. Today, boats cruise in Osaka Bay where 747s will take off. Machines disgorge enough sand to fill scores of Houston Astrodomes into a box 2.7 miles long that will be the airport's supposedly earthquake-proof base.
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