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 earning ['ə:niŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 所赚的钱,所得,收入
vbl. 赚,赢

  1. He's a bit of a dark horse: he was earning a fortune, but nobody knew.
    他可算是藏龙卧虎: 赚大钱, 可谁也不知道.
  2. His brave deeds in the battle earned him everlasting glory.

Earn \Earn\ ([~e]rn), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Earned} ([~e]rnd); p.
pr. & vb. n. {Earning}.] [AS. earnian; akin to OHG. arn[=o]n
to reap, aran harvest, G. ernte, Goth. asans harvest, asneis
hireling, AS. esne; cf. Icel. ["o]nn working season, work.]
1. To merit or deserve, as by labor or service; to do that
which entitles one to (a reward, whether the reward is
received or not).

The high repute
Which he through hazard huge must earn. --Milton.

2. To acquire by labor, service, or performance; to deserve
and receive as compensation or wages; as, to earn a good
living; to earn honors or laurels.

I earn that [what] I eat. --Shak.

The bread I have earned by the hazard of my life or
the sweat of my brow. --Burke.

{Earned run} (Baseball), a run which is made without the
assistance of errors on the opposing side.

Syn: See {Obtain}.

Earning \Earn"ing\, n.; pl. {Earnings}.
That which is earned; wages gained by work or services; money
earned; -- used commonly in the plural.

As to the common people, their stock is in their
persons and in their earnings. --Burke.

  1. Instead of earning a 1.65 per return on the bills, the fund would enjoy a 2.75 per cent return, a 110 basis points difference.
  2. An Associated Press study of the 1988 disaster program found farmers who said they were "made whole" by both programs, earning as much or more in insurance claims and disaster payments as they would have with normal harvests.
  3. But Hillsborough Circuit Judge Susan Bucklew noticed an inconsistency in the report _ while Ms. Brooks was earning her master's in Washington, D.C., she was serving jail time in New York.
  4. As in his first move, Mr. Vanya was able to find higher pay at his new job, earning up to $44,000 as a foreman.
  5. Through business contacts, Mr. Hilfiger, then working as a freelance designer, met Mohan Murjani, a Hong Kong investor who was earning a fortune on Gloria Vanderbilt jeans.
  6. For example, a 17-year employee earning a weekly paycheck would normally get 18 weeks of severance pay.
  7. He says the retirees have been through the pressure years of earning a living, and now that they have time available, they can turn their attention to helping others.
  8. Not only does Israel still get its aid money up front each year, but since it doesn't need it immediately, it uses the money to buy U.S. Treasury bonds _ lending the United States back its own cash and earning an additional $76.7 million in interest.
  9. And older workers often are earning top wages while a younger worker could be hired for less.
  10. The $17 million award has been earning interest since the 1985 jury verdict.
  11. To view published earnings as only a baby step toward understanding a company's true "normal earning power," which may be considerably more or less.
  12. Lorenzo gained the wrath of organized aviation labor in 1983 when he shut down Continental Airlines, threw out its labor contracts and within days started a new airline with employees earning 50 percent less.
  13. A King Penguin approach focuses me on one giant egg (while earning interest on other cash assets). Unearthing spectacular growth stocks is an exciting treasure hunt.
  14. It would give grants to states for expanded child-care services to families earning up to 115% of the median income.
  15. The combined effect of the changes will mean that anyone earning more than Pounds 22,360 will be Pounds 237 a year worse off. One reform which some predicted - the restriction of tax relief on the personal allowance to 20 per cent - did not occur.
  16. Depositor Ivan Calderwood started saving at the bank when he was a stonecutter earning $2.50 a day.
  17. By retreating to the apparent security of, say, money-market funds, investors may not be earning enough investment return to pay for a comfortable retirement.
  18. The two groups are among the poorest in Russia, earning about Rbs700 a month (the minimum wage has just been increased to Rbs900). The government also announced plans to levy import taxes of 5-10 per cent to reduce the import bill.
  19. Analyst Mel Phelps with Hambrecht & Quist in San Francisco said Intel's earning were partially hurt by a $17 million charge due to a planned factory shutdown, and without it, earnings per share would have climbed another 7 cents, he said.
  20. About a quarter of annual output is exported, earning some Dollars 140m a year. Costs of production are around 11 cents a lb, about 1.5 cents more than the current world price.
  21. Iron ore is Australia's fifth largest export, earning around ADollars 3bn a year. The outcome of the latest round of negotiations, which began in Tokyo last month, was announced by BHP's iron ore division yesterday.
  22. And most analysts agree that the earning outlook remains bright for the balance of the year.
  23. Jackson drove in two runs, stole a base and made a nifty running catch, earning him honors as the most valuable player of the game.
  24. Greyhound also turned its first profit that year, earning $730,000 on about $1 billion in revenues after losing about $20 million over the previous two years.
  25. I expect things to pick up a little more." Rupiper's experience parallels that of the tractor and farm-machinery industry, which is earning solid profits and hopes to increase sales this year.
  26. Not only can these individuals use Keogh plans to shelter part of any self-employment income they've been earning this year; they also can roll a retirement savings plan from a former employer into a Keogh.
  27. Foreman, winning for the 22nd straight time since returning to the ring three years ago, wasted little time in earning his $1 million payday.
  28. There are only 13 savers, earning 0.5 per cent a year gross.
  29. "The problem is there is a very great difference of opinion about the future earning power of certain of the Wickes businesses," one investment banker involved in the process said late yesterday.
  30. Fruit exports have boomed in recent years, earning about $900 million annually for Chile, which as Latin America's fourth largest foreign debt.
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