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 dumping ['dʌmpɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 倾销

[医] 倾倒, 倾泻, 填埋(处理垃圾的一种方法)

[经] (商品)倾销

  1. A fine for dumping trash on public land; dumped the extra gear overboard.
  2. An instance or the result of dumping stored data.
  3. No dumping in these woods!

[ noun ]
selling goods abroad at a price below that charged in the domestic market

Dump \Dump\ (d[u^]mp), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Dumped}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Dumping}.] [OE. dumpen to throw down, fall down, cf.
Icel. dumpa to thump, Dan. dumpe to fall suddenly, rush,
dial. Sw. dimpa to fall down plump. Cf. {Dump} sadness.]
1. To knock heavily; to stump. [Prov. Eng.] --Halliwell.

2. To put or throw down with more or less of violence; hence,
to unload from a cart by tilting it; as, to dump sand,
coal, etc. [U.S.] --Bartlett.

{Dumping car} or {Dumping cart}, a railway car, or a cart,
the body of which can be tilted to empty the contents; --
called also {dump car}, or {dump cart}.

  1. 'US exports during the past five years are the most frequent target of dumping actions in other countries,' said Congressman Bill Archer a Republican on the ways and means committee.
  2. Members of the Sylmar Hang Gliding Association hope they will deter people from dumping stolen cars over the sides of cliffs and shooting guns illegally in the Angeles National Forest, said group spokesman Rome Dodson.
  3. With foreigners holding a 10 percent market share, domestic makers are starting to clamor for a dumping investigation.
  4. Under this dumping complaint, there's no provision to prevent a company from simply importing the entire computer.
  5. Micron Technology Inc., rebutting official contentions in Tokyo that Japan's microchip makers are complying with the Semiconductor Trade Agreement, produced evidence purporting to show that Japanese chip dumping continues in Southeast Asia.
  6. "He's always had a grudge against Hong Kong." In the case of South Korea, the dumping petition is seen as a violation of a previous agreement that no dumping investigations would begin before talks between Seoul and Washington were concluded.
  7. "He's always had a grudge against Hong Kong." In the case of South Korea, the dumping petition is seen as a violation of a previous agreement that no dumping investigations would begin before talks between Seoul and Washington were concluded.
  8. Countries in West Africa have recently shown mounting concern over the dumping of garbage there from Western nations, including the United States.
  9. A late bout of dollar dumping, rumored to be from Bank Negara, the Malaysian central bank, and other players, erased slim gains made earlier in the day.
  10. Some said they weren't enthusiastic about Quayle, but they weren't buying the idea of dumping him.
  11. The administration, responding to complaints from American growers, had accused Colombia of "dumping" cut flowers in this country at unreasonably low prices.
  12. Such "dumping margins" will be the amount of extra import duties to be assessed on the imports.
  13. The department assigned much smaller dumping margins to South Korean suppliers, who reportedly cooperated fully with the inquiry.
  14. For marketing purposes, they didn't respond." The dumping worries became moot as commercial real-estate prices, with distress sales apparently looming, went into a free fall.
  15. The legislation permits the Commerce Department to initiate its own anti-dumping action against the new countries if the agency finds evidence of dumping.
  16. Jimmy Carter helped drag him down, first dumping hordes of Cuban refugees on Fort Chaffee, then precipitating the Republican landslide of 1980.
  17. Some airline analysts believe dumping Wolf would be a mistake, despite his history of fractious relations with the unions.
  18. "We became a dumping ground," said Richard Adee, president of the American Honey Producers Association Inc. and owner of a Bruce, S.D., honey farm that he says is the largest in the world.
  19. Overcapacity in Europe and dumping from Canadian producers have cut newsprint prices sharply in the past two years, leading to losses for some European producers.
  20. However, the Clinton administration is under pressure from US labour unions to take a muscular stance against 'social dumping' - the loss of trade, investment and jobs to low-wage countries. Washington's interest in the issue is also long-standing.
  21. In addition, it accused Venezuelan producers of exporting the electrical-conductor aluminum redraw rods to the U.S. at "dumping" prices ranging from 15% to 33% below fair-market value.
  22. Taken at face value, the data may wrongly imply producers "are dumping the soaps and retailers are using them as loss-leaders," says Donald Ratajczak, economist and PPI-CPI guide at Georgia State University.
  23. "In particular, Africa, the Caribbean and Latin America have become the preferred dumping grounds of waste peddlers from industrialized countries," Greenpeace said.
  24. Iacobellis also said there was no deliberate "midnight dumping" of wastes at Rocky Flats.
  25. American producers yelled "dumping." In an effort to allow American producers time to modernize and otherwise become more competitive, Washington arranged Voluntary Restraint Agreements limiting shipments by foreigners.
  26. The vice president says he would set a "clear timetable" to cut millions of tons of sulfur-dioxide emissions by the year 2000 to clean up the air, and pledges to end ocean dumping by 1991 to stop beach pollution.
  27. He reiterated the industry's belief it had not been dumping in the US market.
  28. A winter storm gathered strength over the Southwest today, dumping heavy snow across parts of California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona.
  29. The Pension Benefit Guarantee Corp., the federal agency created by Erisa to provide the insurance, became a dumping ground for insolvent companies and a source of toxic waste on the books of viable ones.
  30. By dumping these tasks, it believes it can undercut rivals Boeing Co. and Airbus on costs.
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