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 dotard ['dəutəd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 年老昏愦的人, 老糊涂

[医] 衰老者

    [ noun ]
    an oldster in his dotage; someone whose age has impaired his intellect

    Dotard \Do"tard\, n. [{Dote}, v. i.]
    One whose mind is impaired by age; one in second childhood.

    The sickly dotard wants a wife. -- Prior.

    Seal \Seal\ (s[=e]l), n. [OE. sele, AS. seolh; akin to OHG.
    selah, Dan. s[ae]l, Sw. sj["a]l, Icel. selr.] (Zo["o]l.)
    Any aquatic carnivorous mammal of the families {Phocid[ae]}
    and {Otariid[ae]}.

    Note: Seals inhabit seacoasts, and are found principally in
    the higher latitudes of both hemispheres. There are
    numerous species, bearing such popular names as {sea
    lion}, {sea leopard}, {sea bear}, or {ursine seal},
    {fur seal}, and {sea elephant}. The bearded seal
    ({Erignathus barbatus}), the hooded seal ({Cystophora
    cristata}), and the ringed seal ({Phoca f[oe]tida}),
    are northern species. See also {Eared seal}, {Harp
    seal}, {Monk seal}, and {Fur seal}, under {Eared},
    {Harp}, {Monk}, and {Fur}. Seals are much hunted for
    their skins and fur, and also for their oil, which in
    some species is very abundant.

    {Harbor seal} (Zo["o]l.), the common seal ({Phoca vitulina}).
    It inhabits both the North Atlantic and the North Pacific
    Ocean, and often ascends rivers; -- called also {marbled
    seal}, {native seal}, {river seal}, {bay seal}, {land
    seal}, {sea calf}, {sea cat}, {sea dog}, {dotard},
    {ranger}, {selchie}, {tangfish}.

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