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 doping [dop]   添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. I want the dope on his criminal connections.
  2. You've got the picture upside-down, you dope!
    你把画挂倒了, 你这笨蛋!
  3. Mary was doping up her hat.

  1. Champion market animals will be tested for drugs for the first time this week at the San Antonio Livestock Exposition, but no animal stands to lose a ribbon because of doping, officials said.
  2. But he has also admitted that the temptations of new types of drugs are enormous. 'The trouble is keeping up with new methods of doping.
  3. I would like to have a doping committee in industry,' he adds.
  4. Testing for blood doping, which can improve an athlete's performance in endurance sports like cross-country skiing and marathon running, has not started yet.
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