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 dominating ['dɑmə`net添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 专横的, 独裁的, 主要的

  1. A large fortified building or group of buildings with thick walls, usually dominating the surrounding country.
  2. Is our trends summary accurate and dominating?
  3. She has a dominating and over protective mother.

[ adj ]
  1. most powerful or important or influential

  2. <adj.all>
    the economically ascendant class
    D-day is considered the dominating event of the war in Europe
  3. used of a height or viewpoint

  4. <adj.all>
    a commanding view of the ocean
    looked up at the castle dominating the countryside
    the balcony overlooking the ballroom
  5. offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power

  6. <adj.all>
    an autocratic person
    autocratic behavior
    a bossy way of ordering others around
    a rather aggressive and dominating character
    managed the employees in an aloof magisterial way
    a swaggering peremptory manner

Dominate \Dom"i*nate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Dominated}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Dominating}.] [L. dominatus, p. p. of dominari to
dominate, fr. dominus master, lord. See {Dame}, and cf.
To predominate over; to rule; to govern. ``A city dominated
by the ax.'' --Dickens.

We everywhere meet with Slavonian nations either
dominant or dominated. --W. Tooke.

dominating \dominating\ adj.
1. exercising influence or control. Opposite of

Syn: ascendant, ascendent, prestigious, dominant.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. high enough to provide a clear view of the surrounding
area; -- of a height or viewpoint.

Syn: commanding, overlooking.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. The study by the GAO, which is the investigative arm of Congress, concludes the trend that has seen major airlines dominating flights at airports where they set up hub operations has decreased competition.
  2. Taylor says Sawyer and his team are puppets of West African governments bent on dominating Liberia.
  3. Control the dominating ones without alienating them. 5. Keep the energy levels high.
  4. Many legislators predict a reversal of Roe vs. Wade would result in the issue dominating the legislative and electoral processes in many states.
  5. The front's forward motion was resisted by very warm, humid air dominating the middle Mississippi Valley and the southern Plains.
  6. France still lacks a single powerful conservative party capable of dominating the political scene as the Tories do in Britain or the Christian Democrats in Germany and Italy, but that is an old problem.
  7. Since then, Guinness's board has fired its dominating chairman and chief executive, Ernest Saunders, demanded the resignations of two directors, and disclosed a series of questionable share deals and investments in both the U.S. and Europe.
  8. The ethnic and political divisions are part of a larger tapestry of conflict that threatens to dismember this diverse nation that once was held together by the dominating presence of Josip Broz Tito, who died in 1980.
  9. "It's a beachhead in France to prevent Air Liquide from completely dominating the market," says Daniel Cruse, a stock analyst at the Paris brokerage Meeschaert, Rousselle.
  10. He thinks that the Macmillan men - Harold in particular - were given complexes by a dominating mother. The family refusal did not deter the author, who used to work in the Macmillan publishing house.
  11. The Salomon Inc. unit acknowledged Friday that it submitted unauthorized bids in the names of customers in at least two Treasury-note auctions, and exceeded government bidding limits designed to keep one buyer from dominating an auction.
  12. There is a danger that, by joining forces, they will form a cartel dominating the heart of Europe. Yet it would be wrong to oppose the link-up on principle.
  13. Experts say airline mergers are largely to blame for the relative discount stinginess; with fewer airlines dominating many of the major markets, they say, the industry can more easily raise fares in peak travel times and temper discounts in slow periods.
  14. Later, however, it became more of an undercurrent than a dominating force as individual markets reacted more to their own factors.
  15. The haven is now in effect partitioned, with the KDP dominating the northern area along the Turkish border; the PUK controls the southern area centred on Suleimaniya.
  16. Analysts and experts on counterinsurgency say Shining Path appears bent on dominating the radical left of legal politics.
  17. Mr. Malone and other cable executives say it is Hollywood that is dangerously concentrated, with a few studios dominating the box office and buying theatrical-exhibition companies, too.
  18. The disclosure Monday came as representatives of the 151-nation International Monetary Fund and the World Bank began five days of high-level meetings with exchange rates, trade issues and Third World debt dominating the agenda.
  19. Another factor that has been dominating the thinking of many stock analysts is the current plight of the junk-bond market.
  20. She captures the quicksilver qualities of Katie, dominating the screen whenever she appears.
  21. The PRI has governed Mexico since 1929, dominating both national and state politics, and it is virtually certain that the legislators will name Salinas president-elect in the final stage of this year's election process.
  22. Atari President Tramiel blasted Nintendo for unfairly dominating the video game business.
  23. Its decentralized and often inefficient system of government, which includes a collective federal presidency, was devised in the 1974 constitution of the late President Josip Broz Tito to prevent one republic from dominating the others.
  24. Their success in dominating Venezuelan politics has relegated all the other parties to marginal political roles.
  25. Ken Wahl would have been a good choice for best actor in a drama series for CBS' much under-rated "Wiseguy." The funny thing about the comedy awards is the way the women from NBC's "The Golden Girls" keep dominating the lead actress category.
  26. The subjects are dominating discussions, diplomats say.
  27. Further sharp declines in Tokyo stocks today could well see the dollar test Y132 and lower, traders said. In late Asian trading the dollar slipped against the yen but remained firm against the D-Mark, with sales of D-Marks for yen dominating.
  28. EC officials say that if the ECU doesn't come into wider use in the next few years, it will become increasingly difficult to replace the dominating German mark with a new currency.
  29. ESOPs GREW SHARPLY in 1989, with large public companies worried about takeovers dominating the expansion, says the National Center for Employee Ownership.
  30. He said a "hellish establishment" was dominating the world.
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