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 domiciled   添加此单词到默认生词本
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    Domicile \Dom"i*cile\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Domiciled}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Domiciling}.] [Cf. F. domicilier. Cf. {Domiciliate}.]
    To establish in a fixed residence, or a residence that
    constitutes habitancy; to domiciliate. --Kent.

    1. Such a charge can significantly reduce the investor's return. By contrast, many US domiciled funds have no initial charge.
    2. Two of the six exceptions are domiciled here.
    3. I am resident in Britain but domiciled elsewhere.
    4. There would be no significant management shake-ups within the company. He added that he would move to the UK where the company's small headquarters would remain domiciled.
    5. He is therefore treated as a non-UK domiciled person for tax purposes.
    6. Tiphook would remain UK domiciled. He added that US investors seemed more comfortable with leasing companies such as Tiphook, which although heavily geared were strongly cash-generative.
    7. Assuming she remains domiciled in the UK, am I right in thinking her assets in France will be subject to French inheritance tax, and those in the UK or Channel Islands to British inheritance tax?
    8. My wife is a US citizen, aged 62. On January 1 this year, the Inland Revenue recognised her as being domiciled in the US but resident in the UK, where we have lived permanently since 1971.
    9. I am resident and domiciled in Switzerland and my wife is resident and domiciled in Italy.
    10. I am resident and domiciled in Switzerland and my wife is resident and domiciled in Italy.
    11. If you are resident but not domiciled, tax is not payable if the assets transferred are physically outside the UK at the time they are transferred into the trust. 2. What property is being transferred.
    12. IF YOU ARE not domiciled in the UK, you will not pay tax on any income or property which you earn or own outside the country.
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