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 dolman ['dɔlmən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 女斗篷, 土耳其式长袍

    [ noun ]
    1. a hussar's jacket worn over the shoulders

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. a woman's cloak with dolman sleeves

    4. <noun.artifact>

    Dolman \Dol"man\ (d[o^]l"man), n.; pl. {Dolmans}. [Turk.
    d[=o]l[=a]m[=a]n: cf. F. doliman.]
    1. A long robe or outer garment, with long sleeves, worn by
    the Turks. [Written also {doliman}.]

    2. A woman's cloak with capelike pieces instead of sleeves.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    3. The uniform jacket of many European hussar regiments, worn
    like a cloak, fastened with a cord or chain, and with
    sleeves hanging loose.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

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