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 divulging 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. These details are the fabric of everyday conversations and the kindling for relationships. But for shy people, divulging or learning such intimate information is stress-inducing.
  2. But Defense Secretary Leon Panetta in the end rejected the request and approved divulging the names, in keeping with Pentagon practise.
  3. Divulging them is, of course, illegal.

Divulge \Di*vulge"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Divulged}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Divulging}.] [F. divulguer, L. divulgare; di- = dis-
+ vulgare to spread among the people, from vulgus the common
people. See {Vulgar}.]
1. To make public; to several or communicate to the public;
to tell (a secret) so that it may become generally known;
to disclose; -- said of that which had been confided as a
secret, or had been before unknown; as, to divulge a

Divulge not such a love as mine. --Cowper.

2. To indicate publicly; to proclaim. [R.]

God . . . marks
The just man, and divulges him through heaven.

3. To impart; to communicate.

Which would not be

To them [animals] made common and divulged.

Syn: To publish; disclose; discover; uncover; reveal;
communicate; impart; tell.

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