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 diversification [daivə:sifi'keiʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 变化, 多样化

[经] 分散

  1. Tweedy, Browne built that record with very wide diversification.
  2. Diversification is another way to diversify and produce more food.
  3. No cultural diversification, there is no good cycle of environment.

[ noun ]
  1. the act of introducing variety (especially in investments or in the variety of goods and services offered)

  2. <noun.act>
    my broker recommended a greater diversification of my investments
    he limited his losses by diversification of his product line
  3. the condition of being varied

  4. <noun.state>
    that restaurant's menu lacks diversification; every day it is the same

Diversification \Di*ver`si*fi*ca"tion\, n. [See {Diversify}.]
1. The act of making various, or of changing form or quality.

2. State of diversity or variation; variegation;
modification; change; alternation.

Infinite diversifications of tints may be produced.

  1. Skeptics point to a number of questions: the company's exposure to liability from waste accidents, the risks of diversification, and pricing practices that have led to a number of price-fixing lawsuits in recent years.
  2. Other than its expansion into 40 of Sears's California stores, Sears Savings Bank has played a relatively minor role in Sears's diversification into financial services.
  3. Inner-city regeneration, training and defence industry diversification all look promising areas. It is easy to spot the sticks and carrots.
  4. Though his duties at the company have been assumed by Mr. Busch, Mr. Long's departure, along with those of the other executives, comes at a bad time for Anheuser-Busch, which has been trying to develop a diversification strategy.
  5. Counting projected sale proceeds and the retained market-research business, Saatchi probably will recoup about half of the #250 million spent on its flawed consulting diversification.
  6. Relatively stable mortgage interest rates during the winter months helped buoy sales; among national concerns, diversification into healthy markets such as California and the Pacific Northwest also helped.
  7. "If we start now to pull out of some sectors, we'll sacrifice an enormous amount of diversification and will be taking on more costs," he says.
  8. ComFed Savings Bank said shareholders at a special meeting approved the formation of a savings and loan holding company, named ComFed Bancorp Inc., "to facilitate future diversification and acquisitions."
  9. MichCon said the restructuring plan is a key step toward diversification and growth outside the company's core utility businesses.
  10. William G. Bowen, chairman of the committee that oversees the family trusts, said the deal meets the committee's objective of diversification of the family's assets.
  11. These countries should be rewarded with crop diversification plans and increased U.S. training, equipment and material assistance. he said.
  12. If it is a substantial proportion, then a transfer may provide a useful diversification of risk.
  13. It has placed emphasis on diversification into services such as stock broking to increase its commission income.
  14. Diversification in thought and counsel is as healthy as diversification in portfolios.
  15. So far, the industry's ability to raise prices has enabled RJR to boost cash flow from tobacco even as the number of packs sold fell. If that pattern continues, RJR's lack of diversification might not be the negative that analysts suggest.
  16. But the slowdown in earnings caused by the growth and diversification should be over, contends John Foster, founder and chief executive officer.
  17. Nine out of 10 investment managers agreed that international investments provide attractive long-term values, while eight out of 10 said that international investments provide diversification of their stock portfolios that lowers risk.
  18. Other companies are likely to tread cautiously, partly because of City wariness about utility companies' diversification.
  19. But, over a period of years, it built electrical generating capacity in excess of its needs and embarked on an ill-fated plan of diversification into financial businesses.
  20. The hitch is that, so far, its new businesses have not proved as successful as the original pay-TV service. Mr Rousselet insists it is too soon to judge the success of Canal Plus's diversification.
  21. Wealthy investors with sizable international portfolios may benefit from the diversification that gold can provide, investment professionals say.
  22. International diversification by privatised UK utilities has received a bad name.
  23. Caution remains the mainstay of the industry, whose motto continues to be growth through diversification and low-priced toys.
  24. Lomas's mortgage-banking woes prompted an aggressive diversification program in the past two years, as the company added retail banking, credit card, leasing and insurance operations to reduce its reliance on mortgage lending.
  25. The social safety net may be one area in which a larger economic entity rather than two smaller ones is preferable because it would provide more opportunity for spreading risk (analogous to hedging by portfolio diversification).
  26. In effect, diversification insures that at least part of the portfolio will always be in the right place at the right time.
  27. "One of the things (they) are trying to get is diversification," he says.
  28. "The added diversification doesn't cost anything," he says.
  29. Its diversification appears prudent and unhurried: in chilled foods, it has taken a careful approach, waiting for the expected higher margins to come through; and in France much the same story.
  30. "Our core business is copper, and that isn't going to change," he said, "but we would love to find diversification in base and precious metals.
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