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 disuse [dis'ju:s]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 不被使用, 废弃

vt. 停止使用, 废止

  1. Here are some words that have fallen into disuse.
  2. The spoon has been rusty from disuse.
  3. Gradually, this kind of currency fell into disuse.
    渐渐地, 这种货币不再通用。

[ noun ]
the state of something that has been unused and neglected
the house was in a terrible state of neglect

Disuse \Dis*use"\ (?; see {Dis-}), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
{Disused}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Disusing}.]
1. To cease to use; to discontinue the practice of.

2. To disaccustom; -- with to or from; as, disused to toil.
``Disuse me from . . . pain.'' --Donne.

Disuse \Dis*use"\, n.
Cessation of use, practice, or exercise; inusitation;
desuetude; as, the limbs lose their strength by disuse.

The disuse of the tongue in the only . . . remedy.

Church discipline then fell into disuse. --Southey.

  1. When the trade routes fell into disuse, the caves were abandoned and forgotten.
  2. The FDA approved a cervical cap, authorizing the return of the birth control device to the U.S. market after years of disuse.
  3. The Food and Drug Administration approved a cervical cap, authorizing the return of the birth control device to the U.S. market after many years of disuse.
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