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 distinction [dɪ'stɪŋkʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 区别

  1. He passed the examination with distinction.
  2. We should make a distinction between right and wrong.
  3. Death and dice level all distinction.

[ noun ]
  1. a discrimination between things as different and distinct

  2. <noun.cognition>
    it is necessary to make a distinction between love and infatuation
  3. high status importance owing to marked superiority

  4. <noun.state>
    a scholar of great eminence
  5. a distinguishing quality

  6. <noun.attribute>
    it has the distinction of being the cheapest restaurant in town
  7. a distinguishing difference

  8. <noun.attribute>
    he learned the distinction between gold and lead

Distinction \Dis*tinc"tion\, n. [L. distinctio: cf. F.
1. A marking off by visible signs; separation into parts;
division. [Obs.]

The distinction of tragedy into acts was not known.

2. The act of distinguishing or denoting the differences
between objects, or the qualities by which one is known
from others; exercise of discernment; discrimination.

To take away therefore that error, which confusion
breedeth, distinction is requisite. --Hooker.

3. That which distinguishes one thing from another;
distinguishing quality; sharply defined difference; as,
the distinction between real and apparent good.

The distinction betwixt the animal kingdom and the
inferior parts of matter. --Locke.

4. Estimation of difference; regard to differences or
distinguishing circumstance.

Maids, women, wives, without distinction, fall.

5. Conspicuous station; eminence; superiority; honorable
estimation; as, a man of distinction.

Your country's own means of distinction and defense.
--D. Webster.

Syn: Difference; variation, variety; contrast; diversity;
contrariety; disagreement; discrimination; preference;
superiority; rank; note; eminence.

  1. For, if this magnificent exhibition at the Academy does nothing else, it demonstrates for ever the absurdity of the distinction that would make oil on canvas inherently superior to water-colour on paper, simply because it is oil on canvas.
  2. Should that happen, "there would cease to be any competition in those lines of coverage based on the smoker-nonsmoker distinction, as no other companies offer such a discount in those lines," the order said.
  3. At this institution we make a distinction between prophylactic mastectomy and mastectomy for risk reduction. Prophylactic mastectomy is a simple mastectomy that removes essentially all breast tissue and theoretically reduces the risk of cancer to zero.
  4. The key distinction to be made is how to classify the place _ as a personal residence, a rental property, or a combination of the two.
  5. They regret that the world opinion is such that people don't make a distinction," she said.
  6. It will also simplify procedures for registering them, abolishing the distinction between between trademarks and service marks.
  7. Of course, some casino patrons make a distinction between gambling in Atlantic City and gambling on Wall Street.
  8. They make a distinction between coca-producing areas where peasants are and drug traffickers. Well, guess what, guys.
  9. Along with hundreds of thousands of others, Mr. Vissoka gives Angola its unwanted distinction as one of the four African nations most in need of food aid, according to the U.N.
  10. The great distinction of this show is that it gives you a better chance to view and shop on the spot. Dozens of smaller exhibitors who do not come to Chelsea bring their stock for display and disposal.
  11. They "helped irreverent new magazine pay its printers' bills," the item said, but then went on to note that advertorials "consumed 10% of (its) pages" and "dangerously blurred the distinction between editorial and advertising material."
  12. Its members will be 'independently minded and have achieved personal distinction and public standing'.
  13. Sir, With such age and distinction, Henry Grunfeld's words are likely to be taken seriously ('Still warning and encouraging', May 31).
  14. "We're just not finding any distinction" between fatalities on the 65 mph rural interstate highways and those where the speed limit remained at 55 mph, Burnley said.
  15. I start to feel comfortable with that distinction.
  16. The meditative quality and unchallenging melodies of some music labeled new age, has given it a deserved distinction as pretentious and boring, the two agreed.
  17. We can disagree on issues." Jesse Jackson called the complaints about attacks "campaign fatigue, this tit for tat on how bruised I am." But Ms. Jamieson said there was a legitimate distinction.
  18. In vain, the Tramp would pursue beautiful, unreachable women, never more movingly than in "City Lights," in which he befriends a pretty blind flower girl and convinces her that he is a man of wealth and distinction.
  19. On another revival, "Queen for a Day," women vie for the distinction of worst hardship: In the pilot, the woman with a severely burned face beats out a lady whose daughter was murdered by a gang, and another who has adopted 32 kids.
  20. Mr. Josephson, 60, said that the unit Mr. Fowler will head will be "treated as a separate company" and that it might be renamed to reflect this distinction.
  21. "London wants to be the European Community's financial center, but right now it appears that West Germany" has that distinction, said Francis H. Schott, senior vice president and chief economist at Equitable Financial Cos.
  22. "The challenge is to maintain that distinction, but to explore a character that children may have first seen in another vehicle," says Helen Boehm, a vice president of the Fox Children's Network, a unit of News Corp.'s Fox Inc.
  23. The appellate court said that it saw no distinction between Ms. Pflug and the hockey players, and that both should enjoy the same kind of tax breaks.
  24. But the distinction of having no debts "is probably not the most important one because debt financing is a common practice in commercial farming," the report said.
  25. In an earlier speech to the Air Force Association, Secretary Rice said "modern air power blurs the distinction" between aircraft carrying nuclear weapons and those carrying more-conventional bombs and missiles.
  26. It was no less a pleasure to see the authority and distinction of manner of Bryony Brind and Mark Silver. Here is a perfect example of how ballet of real worth may be made available for the smallest stage.
  27. A passenger on that plane had been transferred from the ill-fated Jordanian flight, gaining the distinction of being hijacked twice in the same day.
  28. Sub-zero temperatures are hardly conducive to ruminating about love. The cast was full of young, international singers making useful careers. Gino Quilico's Onegin was irresistible - a bearded beau of impeccable vocal distinction.
  29. The distinction may seem incongruous, Marshall said.
  30. And the distinction is important.
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