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 disputed 添加此单词到默认生词本
v. 争议
vbl. 争议

  1. He will give in to his opponent's claim rather than wrangle over a disputed point.
  2. The ownership of the land is disputed.

[ adj ]
subject to disagreement and debate

Dispute \Dis*pute"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Disputed}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Disputing}.] [OE. desputen, disputen, OF. desputer,
disputer, F. disputer, from L. disputare, disputatum; dis- +
putare to clean; hence, fig., to clear up, set in order,
reckon, think. See {Putative}, {Pure}.]
To contend in argument; to argue against something
maintained, upheld, or claimed, by another; to discuss; to
reason; to debate; to altercate; to wrangle.

Therefore disputed [reasoned, --Rev. Ver.] he in
synagogue with the Jews. --Acts xvii.

  1. "The consequences for Hong Kong are appalling," said Wilson. "Our resources have been overwhelmed." Wilson disputed assertions that mandatory repatriation was inhumane.
  2. That is disputed by Maura Payne, spokeswoman for R.J. Reynolds Tobacco USA.
  3. Results in several municipal elections in the southern state of Oaxaca in August also were disputed.
  4. A hospital spokesman disputed the charges, stating that Dickson was treated "immediately." "We believe our treatment was aggressive, speedy and appropriate," said the spokesman, Fred Yaeger.
  5. No specific reasons are given, nor do the letters claim that the disputed items are incorrect.
  6. Laptiev disputed Western news reports that suggested Ayrikyan was summarily expelled against his wishes, but conceded the activist was stripped of Soviet citizenship in the same action that dropped charges against him.
  7. A Soviet newspaper has provided new details about dictator Josef Stalin's death, which has been shrouded in mystery because of incomplete or disputed official accounts.
  8. The judge ordered an examination of Nosair by a private doctor after Warren disputed a Bellevue report that his client could return to the jail's general population.
  9. Unix International also disputed the idea that there was much difference in the technology, saying it would be able to deliver at about the same time as OSF the features that OSF claimed as advantages.
  10. In the past five years, the PRI has lost two governorships, and conceded a third after a disputed election - the first time it has ever lost such elections.
  11. CHINA'S recent reaffirmation of its claim to the disputed Spratly islands in the South China Sea overshadowed the start of a meeting of the Association of South-East Asian Nations (Asean) in Manila yesterday.
  12. The evidence on this point is disputed, however.
  13. Baldizon's allegations were disputed by Americas Watch, a U.S. human rights group that said he had repeatedly changed his stories.
  14. But Judge Keenan disputed that idea.
  15. The legislature is to address the strikers' principal demand, the return of the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijani control, Mamedov said, speaking by telephone from Azerbaijan's capital, Baku.
  16. McKay's report supported that conclusion, which Meese and his lawyers have steadfastly disputed.
  17. A further Dollars 1bn of interest is also being claimed. Mr Allen Murray, chairman of Mobil, yesterday disputed the tax bill.
  18. H. Ross Perot's disputed contract to streamline the U.S. Postal Service was suspended.
  19. Residents of a disputed region in the republic of Azerbaijan shut down their main city for a second day today to protest the government's refusal to transfer the region to neighboring Armenia, a newspaper said.
  20. More authoritative sources, however, disputed the reports.
  21. A spokesman for Manor Care, a healthcare and lodging company, disputed some of the INS claims, and said the company hasn't decided whether to apply for a hearing on the matter before an administrative law judge.
  22. Senior EPA officials disputed claims that some medical wastes were excluded even though they posed health problems.
  23. Demonstrators from the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) were dislodged from 14 of the 17 city halls closed since the disputed December municipal elections, according to news reports Thursday evening.
  24. In turn, the sources said, Iraq would postpone discussion of sovereignty over the disputed Shatt al-Arab waterway between the two nations.
  25. Either you bury your head deep in the sand or you try to do something." Burg, the spokesman for Labor's campaign, says resolving the Palestinian uprising in the disputed West Bank and Gaza Strip is one of Israel's main necessities.
  26. Health authorities have disputed the allegations, saying the wounded man was treated by doctors at Bindura hospital and could not have been saved.
  27. Mr. McFarlane yesterday disputed that Mr. Wallach was ever authorized to speak on behalf of the U.S.
  28. In Washington, the Justice Department said that throughout its negotiations with the companies its primary aim has been to spin off the disputed assets and create "a viable competitor in those markets as quickly as possible."
  29. Economists also disputed this outlook, calling it highly unrealistic to expect that the current expansion, which has lasted a peacetime record of six years, could last that long.
  30. 'We say this is a disputed place and that the people must be given the right of self-determination,' says Mr Abdul Ghani Lone, leader of the People's Conference and one of the five released.
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