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 disembodied [`dɪsɪm'bɑdɪd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 脱离肉体的

[医] 脱离躯壳的

  1. Byron himself is a disembodied idea, an aureate memory, compared with Aaron.
  2. Let us suppose that you or I, brethren, should become a free and disembodied spirit.
  3. I blinked rapidly– but casually– and stepped forward through the disembodied door frame.

[ adj ]
not having a material body
bodiless ghosts

Disembodied \Dis`em*bod"ied\, a.
Divested of a body; ceased to be corporal; incorporeal.

The disembodied spirits of the dead. --Bryant.

Disembody \Dis`em*bod"y\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Disembodied}; p.
pr. & vb. n. {Disembodying}.]
1. To divest of the body or corporeal existence.

Devils embodied and disembodied. --Sir W.

2. (Mil.) To disarm and disband, as a body of soldiers.

  1. The Cheshire Congress has become almost fully disembodied from political accountability.
  2. The Office Window Box must still be dressed, the invoices still despatched from the Wax-Model factory where a disembodied hand sits on the desk.
  3. Overproduced and whizzing by at a frantic pace, its anchormen and women were stranded on an unpopulated, space-age set, talking to disembodied images on big-screen television monitors.
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