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 disciplinary ['disiplinәri]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 训练的, 纪律的, 训诫的

[法] 纪律的, 惩戒性的

  1. A governing, advisory, or disciplinary body of some colleges and universities composed of faculty members and sometimes student representatives.
  2. Controlled behavior resulting from disciplinary training; self-control.
  3. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams.
    (4) 有领导一个多学科的小组的能力。

[ adj ]
  1. relating to discipline in behavior

  2. <adj.pert>
    disciplinary problems in the classroom
  3. relating to a specific field of academic study

  4. <adj.pert>
    economics in its modern disciplinary sense
  5. designed to promote discipline

  6. <adj.all>
    the teacher's action was corrective rather than instructional
    disciplinal measures
    the mother was stern and disciplinary

Disciplinary \Dis"ci*plin*a*ry\, a. [LL. disciplinarius
flogging: cf. F. disciplinaire.]
Pertaining to discipline; intended for discipline;
corrective; belonging to a course of training.

Those canons . . . were only disciplinary. --Bp. Ferne.

The evils of the . . . are disciplinary and remedial.

  1. The Big Board has already scheduled a hearing in connection with its disciplinary charges against Drexel, people familiar with the matter said.
  2. But she said the incident taught her students "that in a democracy you can protest things you don't like." School Superintendent Walter Gibson said Chan "crossed a line," but he didn't plan any disciplinary action.
  3. Posgate was cleared by a Lloyds disciplinary committee in 1984, which found he was not involved in an agreement to use money taken from his syndicate to buy the bank. But he was arrested on similar charges in 1987.
  4. The NASD previously had indicated it could bring additional disciplinary cases against other partnership dealers in coming months.
  5. In filing disciplinary charges against Mr. Mosky and Mr. Scheck late yesterday, the Merc board of governors said it will "carefully consider the gravity of the offenses of which the defendants were convicted."
  6. Laid off too were 120 draft-age youths who were working at the plant in lieu of serving in the military and about 100 workers who had committed disciplinary infractions in the past, such as theft or drinking.
  7. They also could face disciplinary action from the Internal Revenue Service and the Commodities Futures Trading Commission.
  8. The spokeman said Clydesdale, based in Glasgow, Scotland, "has taken disciplinary action concerning two officials following an internal inquiry into matters covered by the bank's staff rules for share dealing."
  9. A special commission of the Florida Bar will recommend that parts of its disciplinary process for lawyers be open to public view.
  10. The committee chose to take no disciplinary action.
  11. The commission needs to set up training on racial and sexual harassment, as well as disciplinary measures, the report said.
  12. The high court in 1977 ruled that such disciplinary measures never can amount to the "cruel and unusual punishment" banned by the Constitution's Eighth Amendment.
  13. Lauren Lubow, spokeswoman for the Ohio State Medical Board, said Mrs. Perez had not been the subject of any formal disciplinary actions since she was licensed to practice in Ohio in July 1985.
  14. A Merc disciplinary committee alleged that Bryan and Denise Bigelow helped another Merc member skirt his employer's ban on trading stock-index futures for the member's own account from April 1985 to July 1986.
  15. As administrative officer, Lacey will have the same authority as the union's international president and executive board to veto union expenditures, disciplinary actions and appointments.
  16. FBI officials have said an internal investigation of the operation found several problems with it, and The New York Times reported today that an internal FBI report recommends disciplinary action against some of those involved.
  17. Mr. Harris is expected to reply, and a disciplinary hearing into the matter may occur in the next few months.
  18. Black labor federations said today that about 2,000 workers who joined the protest have been fired and 1,000 more subjected to various disciplinary actions.
  19. The justices in 1977 ruled that public school disciplinary measures involving physical force never can amount to the "cruel and unusual punishment" banned by the Constitution's Eighth Amendment.
  20. Although the disciplinary boards have grown in strength in recent years, the report by Department of Health and Human Services' inspector general said most of the cases brought to them are settled through consent agreements.
  21. An individual familiar with the situation at GE said the company has commenced disciplinary actions against 20 managers at GE Aircraft Engine division in Cincinnati, which was linked to Gen.
  22. State corrections director Gary Maynard said 40 inmates identified as being ringleaders or involved in the riot were being held in a disciplinary unit called "The Rock" at a state prison in McAlester.
  23. The men escaped from segregation cells, where they were kept because of disciplinary problems, he said.
  24. The inmates at the Iowa State Penitentiary at Fort Madison filed a civil rights lawsuit alleging that guards and officials mistreated them, endangered their lives by revealing they were informants and filed false disciplinary reports against them.
  25. Scores of expulsions enforced the disciplinary mood and activist professors also were ousted.
  26. Vernon had extensive business dealings with Mr. Gaubert's Independent American and a history of FSLIC disciplinary actions, the latest being a July 1986 order to "cease and desist" certain loan practices.
  27. Normally, traders facing disciplinary action make settlement proposals directly to the Merc's compliance department.
  28. The union has said it intends to fight any disciplinary action.
  29. Basketball coach Jerry Tarkanian's long feud with the NCAA is being refereed by the Supreme Court in a case testing the collegiate organization's disciplinary authority.
  30. The Bear Stearns case was among disciplinary actions taken by the self-regulatory agency overseeing the over-the-counter market.
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