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 diocese ['daɪəsis]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 主教教区

  1. A church official, as in the Anglican Church, who is in charge of temporal and other affairs in a diocese, with powers delegated from the bishop.
  2. An administrative part of a diocese that has its own church in the Anglican, Roman Catholic, and some other churches.
  3. An official visit for the purpose of inspection or examination, as of a bishop to a diocese.

[ noun ]
the territorial jurisdiction of a bishop

Diocese \Di"o*cese\, n.; pl. {Dioceses}. [OE. diocise, OF.
diocise, F. dioc['e]se, L. dioecesis, fr. Gr. ? housekeeping,
administration, a province, a diocese, fr. ? to keep house,
manage; dia` through + ? to manage a household, ? a house.
See {Economy}.] (Eccl.)
The circuit or extent of a bishop's jurisdiction; the
district in which a bishop exercises his ecclesiastical
authority. [Frequently, but improperly, spelt {diocess}.]

  1. The Episcopal diocese of Massachusetts elected a woman as bishop, the Rev. Barbara C. Harris, and if the choice is affirmed by other dioceses, she would become the first woman bishop in the worldwide Anglican Communion.
  2. A few "no" votes were heard when Harris was elected to the position of suffragan, or assisting bishop, for the eastern Massachusetts diocese, but Harris said she hasn't personally encountered opposition.
  3. An estimated 30,000 people attended the consecration Saturday of the new Roman Catholic bishop in the Slovak diocese of Spis, the Catholic news agency Kathpress reported.
  4. Harris' election last September by members of the Boston Episcopal diocese also touched off debate from other denominations that bar women from the priesthood.
  5. Witcher, 61, said he met Iranian officials for the first time at St. John's Episcopal Hospital in the New York City borough of Queens _ part of his diocese _ where several Iranian Kurds gassed in the war were treated.
  6. A gay Episcopal priest who caused an uproar with his comments on celibacy and monogamy says he will not honor a request that he refrain from priestly duties while the diocese investigates his views.
  7. The Rev. Penelope Ann Bansall Jamieson is to head the diocese of Dunedin.
  8. The Bishop of Sion, Henri Schwery, whose diocese includes Econe, has called for three days of special prayers for the "unity of the church" beginning Tuesday.
  9. He points out: 'There is no such thing as a diocese in the Bible - the local church is the focal point.'
  10. Since 1983, the San Francisco-born Brown has been vicar general of the diocese in Monterey, Calif.
  11. "No priest in our diocese will touch us," explains Michael Flynn, a Dignity member in Philadelphia.
  12. But after the remarks were publicized, Spong asked Williams to keep silent and refrain from functioning as a priest while the diocese investigates whether Williams misrepresented his views during the lengthy ordination process.
  13. Black Lay Catholics with a Vision, a group formed to fight the closings, said the diocese has angered blacks struggling to maintain the church in a city where 60 percent of the population is black.
  14. Rodimer denied claims by the nuns that he was trying to close the Monastery of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, but added that their actions could end the Carmelite order in the diocese.
  15. Among those attending where Zong Huaide, bishop of Jinan diocese and chairman of the China Patriotic Catholic Association.
  16. Watson was named auxiliary bishop of the diocese in 1965 and bishop four years later.
  17. "All the Europeans, they dream someday to see these phenomena," said Bishop Timotheos of Detroit, whose diocese includes upstate New York.
  18. SEPTEMBER 10-11 Catholics in diocese: 72,000 Percent of population: 2% Issue: Ecumenism Catholicism is a marginal denomination in this region.
  19. The diocese now has three women deacons eligible for ordination to the priesthood and Walker says it is likely they will be ordained early next year.
  20. Mahony, whose archdiocese has been swollen with Central American refugees, said Friday at a warehouse where the supplies were stockpiled that the relief effort showed the bond his diocese has with the people of El Salvador.
  21. The attempted takeover of the cathedral was the fourth such effort since the start of the year by the committee, which is pressing the Pontoise diocese to put an unused chapel at their disposal for Latin Masses.
  22. After 49 Catholic dioceses either rejected or ignored letters from Schumacher, Tschoepe promised to give him an assignment in his diocese.
  23. He did not want to discuss the contents in an interview, but Brazilian press accounts have said he had been sharply rebuked for "opening paths for ideological groups" in his diocese.
  24. The conservative nuns say the diocese threatened to evict them from the monastery because of their adherence to their religious order.
  25. In 1983, Pope John Paul II visited a Lutheran church in Rome, the first visit by a Roman Catholic pontiff to a Protestant church in his own diocese.
  26. Naidoo was serving as auxiliary bishop and and vicar general in the Cape Town diocese in October 1984 when he was chosen to replace Cardinal Owen McCann as archbishop.
  27. Swanson, who has been banned from practicing his priestly duties since March, was the first church official to face an ecclesiastical trial since the Episcopal diocese was founded 113 years ago.
  28. A Midwestern Catholic diocese serving 200,000 families now has less than half the number of priests it had 20 years ago but double the number of community services.
  29. Czechoslovakia's Catholics have been buoyed by the recent consecration of two auxiliary bishops in Prague and bishop Jan Sokol in Trnava, Slovakia's largest diocese.
  30. Six months later, the diocese assigned him to the Houston suburb of Galena Park.
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