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 diaphanous [daɪ'æfənəs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 透明的, 轻柔的

  1. We have only a diaphanous hope of success.
  2. We are design the diaphanous line for our goods.
  3. The diaphanous light casting on the sculptures and the dramatic installations of them form a special revelation of Canova's great works.

[ adj ]
so thin as to transmit light
a hat with a diaphanous veilfilmy wings of a moth
gauzy clouds of dandelion down
gossamer cobwebs
sheer silk stockings
transparent chiffon
vaporous silks

Diaphanous \Di*aph"a*nous\, a. [Gr. ?, fr. ? to show or shine
through; dia` through + ? to show, and in the passive, to
shine: cf. F. diaphane. See {Phantom}, and cf. {Diaphane},
Allowing light to pass through, as porcelain; translucent or
transparent; pellucid; clear.

Another cloud in the region of them, light enough to be
fantastic and diaphanous. --Landor.

  1. Naturally, at night these school girls blossom into blushing debutantes in diaphanous strapless ballgowns right out of the 1950s.
  2. When the scene shifts to Juliet's bed chamber, diaphanous white curtains fall from the rafters.
  3. Poynter, in 1885, had painted the young woman nude but he added diaphanous drapery after it was exhibited at the Royal Academy of Arts and provoked letters from shocked viewers.
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