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 detailed ['di'teld]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 详细的, 复杂的

[法] 详细的, 详尽的

  1. Please send a detailed resume to our company.
  2. A detailed list of goods shipped or services rendered, with an account of all costs; an itemized bill.
  3. Elaborate detailed maps had been prepared for the campaign.

[ adj ]
developed or executed with care and in minute detail
a detailed planthe elaborate register of the inhabitants prevented tax evasion
the carefully elaborated theme

Detail \De"tail\ (d[-e]*t[=a]l"), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
{Detailed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Detailing}.] [Cf. F.
d['e]tailler to cut up in pieces, tell in detail. See
{Detail}, n.]
1. To relate in particulars; to particularize; to report
minutely and distinctly; to enumerate; to specify; as, he
detailed all the facts in due order.

2. (Mil.) To tell off or appoint for a particular service, as
an officer, a troop, or a squadron.

3. To provide with fine or intricate added decoration.

Syn: {Detail}, {Detach}.

Usage: Detail respects the act of individualizing the person
or body that is separated; detach, the removing for
the given end or object.

detailed \de*tailed"\ (d[-e]*t[=a]ld"), adj.
1. Developed or executed with care and in minute detail; as,
a detailed plan.

Syn: elaborate, elaborated.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. Containing details; containing subordinate parts as well
as more general discussion; -- of a discourse; as, a
specific and detailed account of the accident. Opposite of
{sketchy}, {general}, {vague}.

Syn: circumstantial, particularized, particularised.
[WordNet 1.5]

3. having fine or intricate added decoration.

  1. Closer inspection reveals no stitching - hours of detailed tying and dying have produced an amazing effect of design and texture. For intricate stitching, Cordsen shows off a hand-made silk appliqued outfit, comprising coat, dress and trousers.
  2. This value is calculated as the product of an 'environmental index' and the quantity of material or energy. Each environmental index is calculated from a detailed LCA.
  3. Technically, freedom of the press was guaranteed by a declaration in the Soviet Constitution, but the new law is the first to spell out detailed guarantees of press freedoms.
  4. One Western analyst with detailed knowledge of Mr. Yakovlev's publications and speeches says Mr. Gorbachev's designs for the Soviet Union today remain "pure Yakovlev."
  5. Bond dealers in London admit that hardly any foreign market operators have a detailed understanding of the nature of the constitutional reforms.
  6. Pillsbury Co., in its first detailed response to Grand Metropolitan PLC's $5.23 billion tender offer, said it was exploring all possible alternatives to accepting the bid.
  7. That was a 26% increase from $76.1 billion a year earlier (about half of the increase resulted from a new regulation forcing more detailed disclosure of delinquent loans by thrifts).
  8. He gives detailed instructions for funeral arrangements, but returns to religious themes.
  9. We have some detailed information." Aukrust said about a third of the rescued passengers and crew have been questioned so far.
  10. It is simply too diffuse to grip the reader, with overly detailed descriptions of military hardware, meandering pace and Ng's flat narration combining to bog the story down.
  11. Some 433 chief executives on three continents earlier this year completed detailed questionnaires on globalization, as designed by The Wall Street Journal, Booz-Allen & Hamilton Inc. and Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
  12. In the past, the Texas Democrat has listed the company on his disclosure forms with an aggregate value category, but never has detailed the underlying assets of the venture.
  13. For those who want a quick flavour of Keynes' writings, in historical context, with lots of pictures and who are not too worried about detailed scholarly interpretation, Keynes for Beginners is perfect.
  14. The lender of last resort function consists today of deliberately ill-defined guarantees in return for acceptance of detailed supervision.
  15. The NRC is on solid ground in reasserting its authority, which is based on many years of detailed study of the tiny risks and large benefits associated with nuclear power.
  16. Mr. Goldfeder insisted that underlings focus on detailed long-range planning, which often has diverted them from the craze for the latest fashion fad or a rival's merchandising ploy.
  17. The agency announced, however, that it would fund a detailed study of pilot age and accident rates and indicated it might be willing to certify individual pilots over 60 if a way can be found to determine their capacities.
  18. In fact, a report by Secretary of State George Shultz in November 1982 provided detailed autopsy results for a chemical warfare attack victim in Cambodia.
  19. A positive outcome of the referendum may not make its task much easier, given that the detailed reform documents appear to be compromises suffering from vagueness and contradictions.
  20. The detailed, slow-motion description of his destructive tools takes on a curious, pregnant intensity.
  21. Jackson released a detailed position paper Thursday saying the government should spend $6.7 billion to fight drugs, a topic which has emerged at the top of his list of campaign issues.
  22. By contrast, detailed marketing analysis may require looking for connections and patterns in parts of the database which are not closely related. In a multidimensional database designed for Olap, data is organised into dimensions.
  23. In the six countries for which detailed age information was studied, moving rates were high for preschool children and for their parents, many of whom are in their late 20s and early 30s.
  24. The United States and Soviet Union each have satellites capable of detailed ground monitoring even at night and through clouds.
  25. Junk-bond issues routinely include detailed "risk factors" explaining the dangers that justified the higher interest payments.
  26. Gilbert is one of only three Category 5 storms in the hemisphere since weather officials began keeping detailed records.
  27. Extending reporting requirements would represent an enlargement of a rule, effective last September, which imposed a detailed registration system for company officials who own large blocks of corporate stock.
  28. It wants national operators to overcome the problems of poor cross-border linkages by co-ordinating investment. While the Commission's general idea of a new single market drive is good, its detailed proposals are mixed.
  29. He presented copies of pages from an Earth First! publication that contained detailed instructions on these acts.
  30. Managers of the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant offered the Nuclear Regulatory Commission a detailed look at what will happen if the facility's crippled Unit 2 is mothballed, which the company hopes to do by the end of next year.
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