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 destination [,desti'neiʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 目的地, 目标, 目的

[计] 目的文件, 目的单元

  1. We eventually arrived at our destination.
  2. The parcel was sent to the wrong destination.
  3. Life can be likened to a journey with an unknown destination.

[ noun ]
  1. the place designated as the end (as of a race or journey)

  2. <noun.location>
    a crowd assembled at the finish
    he was nearly exhausted as their destination came into view
  3. the ultimate goal for which something is done

  4. <noun.cognition>
  5. written directions for finding some location; written on letters or packages that are to be delivered to that location

  6. <noun.communication>

Destination \Des`ti*na"tion\, n. [L. destinatio determination:
cf. F. destination destination.]
1. The act of destining or appointing.

2. Purpose for which anything is destined; predetermined end,
object, or use; ultimate design.

3. The place set for the end of a journey, or to which
something is sent; place or point aimed at.

Syn: Appointment; design; purpose; intention; destiny; lot;
fate; end.

  1. Sleep when you would be doing so at your destination.
  2. Hong Kong residents also have dropped China as a tourist destination, hurting many local travel agents.
  3. If Bush had chosen another destination for his first trip, however, it would have touched off a chorus of complaints, Hawes said.
  4. The bus had started from Lima and only had 15 miles more to go before reaching its destination, the town of Conchucos, police said.
  5. A West German commuter plane crashed about seven miles north of Dusseldorf, its destination, killing all 21 aboard.
  6. He said he could not comment on the number of soldiers, their destination or time of departure.
  7. A spokeswoman said the chartered planes will make it possible for Eastern to fly to Honolulu, the most popular destination for frequent fliers, even though the airline doesn't offer scheduled service to that city.
  8. Clearly, the U.S. is this year's hot destination for European tourists.
  9. The most frequent trick is to clear the meter when you reach your destination and ask for a higher fare.
  10. Local boosters tout the city as "the most popular destination in the U.S" because the visitor count now exceeds 30 million a year.
  11. The 749-foot-long ship's destination is Curacao, a West Indian island about 170 nautical miles northwest of Caracas, Venezuela, Weakley said.
  12. Freeport has achieved critical mass as a shopping destination." Word of Freeport's shopping attractions quickly spread along the tour bus and tourist circuit.
  13. A highway through the park across the Sierra Nevada range will be opened, but Yosemite Valley, the main tourist destination, will remain closed until at least Monday.
  14. Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria could also expect to see a sizeable increase in tourism. Vietnam is the latest fashionable destination for tourists.
  15. Before the plane chartered by Virgil and Debbie Thomas could deliver its two passengers to their destination, the couple delivered a passenger 8,000 feet in the air _ a 6-pound, 5-ounce baby girl.
  16. But if the return flight includes a stop in the U.S. before the final destination, the crew must be changed after eight hours.
  17. "Our support will entail complimentary air transportation for site inspection parties on their first visit to Wisconsin from any Midwest Express on-line destination," Oller said.
  18. It later left Dubai, but its destination was not been documented, Milhollin and the State Department official said.
  19. Every destination has to be noted by its address.
  20. It grades various destinations by safety category and tailors advice for the traveller. On the principle that information improves security, up-to-date guide books on the country of destination are helpful.
  21. Matell said the Eastern flight originated in Montreal, stopped in La Guardia, and Atlanta was its final destination.
  22. Velayati said the plane is identified, its altitude and course given, its destination known and its transponder was on and transmitting its identity on an internationally recognized civilian channel.
  23. Chrysler's fleet prices show the auto maker is aiming to increase the destination charge about $15 a vehicle, to as much as $495 for its 1989 Fifth Avenue.
  24. If the Immigration Office grants the group refugee status, they will be allowed a 180-day stay in Japan until their final destination is determined.
  25. Their luggage went on Israel, their destination.
  26. We were sunning ourselves." The rear stairway door of a TWA jet carrying 59 people opened in mid-flight Saturday, but the plane flew the remaining 300 miles to its destination and landed safely, an official said.
  27. Some were seen leaving early Friday in trucks, but their destination was unknown.
  28. South Korea has been a recent popular destination for Chinese and other Asians, even though Beijing has no official relations with the South Korean government.
  29. Once in place, all types of data can be carried from source to destination without the need for any conversion.
  30. France produced 47,900; Germany 20,700; Sweden 17,300; and Ireland 11,600. The island has become an all-year-round destination.
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