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 desperate ['dɛspərɪt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不顾一切的, 危急的, 令人绝望的, 极渴望的

  1. The desperate look of hunger; a desperate cry for help.
  2. He was rifling through her desk in a desperate search for the letter.
  3. They invoked help in the desperate situation.

[ noun ]
  1. a person who is frightened and in need of help

  2. <noun.person>
    they prey on the hopes of the desperate
[ adj ]
  1. arising from or marked by despair or loss of hope

  2. <adj.all>
    a despairing view of the world situation
    the last despairing plea of the condemned criminal
    a desperate cry for help
    helpless and desperate--as if at the end of his tether
    her desperate screams
  3. desperately determined

  4. <adj.all>
    do-or-die revolutionaries
    a do-or-die conflict
  5. (of persons) dangerously reckless or violent as from urgency or despair

  6. <adj.all>
    a desperate criminal
    taken hostage of desperate men
  7. showing extreme courage; especially of actions courageously undertaken in desperation as a last resort

  8. <adj.all>
    made a last desperate attempt to reach the climber
    the desperate gallantry of our naval task forces marked the turning point in the Pacific war
    they took heroic measures to save his life
  9. showing extreme urgency or intensity especially because of great need or desire

  10. <adj.all>
    felt a desperate urge to confess
    a desperate need for recognition
  11. fraught with extreme danger; nearly hopeless

  12. <adj.all>
    a desperate illness
    on all fronts the Allies were in a desperate situation due to lack of materiel
    a dire emergency

Desperate \Des"per*ate\, a. [L. desperatus, p. p. of desperare.
See {Despair}, and cf. {Desperado}.]
1. Without hope; given to despair; hopeless. [Obs.]

I am desperate of obtaining her. --Shak.

2. Beyond hope; causing despair; extremely perilous;
irretrievable; past cure, or, at least, extremely
dangerous; as, a desperate disease; desperate fortune.

3. Proceeding from, or suggested by, despair; without regard
to danger or safety; reckless; furious; as, a desperate
effort. ``Desperate expedients.'' --Macaulay.

4. Extreme, in a bad sense; outrageous; -- used to mark the
extreme predominance of a bad quality.

A desperate offendress against nature. --Shak.

The most desperate of reprobates. --Macaulay.

Syn: Hopeless; despairing; desponding; rash; headlong;
precipitate; irretrievable; irrecoverable; forlorn; mad;
furious; frantic.

Desperate \Des"per*ate\, n.
One desperate or hopeless. [Obs.]

  1. He also disputes analysts who say the Robins bid results from American Home's desperate need to produce new products to replace Inderal.
  2. He was desperate to find a replacement for the mother he'd lost, but the people who stepped in to care for him would always keep him at a distance, even refusing to officially adopt him.
  3. The cities belong to the government, and caught in between are hundreds of thousands of displaced families and a network of roads that is the last lifeline of a desperate economy.
  4. More political attacks on state welfare systems may be just around the corner, public policy observers predict, if the economy worsens and state budget-cutters become more desperate.
  5. Her organization has been critical of the INS and immigration laws, saying they don't address the social problems that make people desperate enough to try illegal entry into the United States.
  6. He is one of the nearly 600 Albanians who have sought refuge in foreign embassies in Tirana this week in a desperate bid to flee the country.
  7. A U.S. Navy captain said today he would have rescued Vietnamese boat people his ship found in the South China Sea if he had been correctly informed of their desperate plight.
  8. As previously reported, that situation is causing several Texas thrifts that are desperate for cash to bid up the interest rates they pay for funds.
  9. As northerners and southerners alike resisted, the economy skidded and hundreds of thousands of desperate people took to the seas in refugee boats.
  10. "I was so desperate I was willing to try anything," he says.
  11. But there also is a general reluctance to drop the belief, so expertly nurtured by the terrorists, that the abductors are merely desperate victims of unspeakable injustices acting spontaneously and autonomously to attract attention to their plight.
  12. There is also a sense of Kafka-esque menace that has been a frequent feature of Coetzee's work. Above all, this is a book about desperate tragedy and distress. What is the point of this re-imagining, this re-arrangement, of Dostoyevsky's life history?
  13. There has been a slight decrease - although not for long enough to signify a trend. Sir Gordon Higginson, vice-chancellor of Southampton University, told the committee: 'Some of our students are having a desperate time.
  14. Flee into the night, certainly - which is what I did after 85 minutes of tenth-rate rock, frenetically silly movement, and even more desperate inadequacy of dance ideas.
  15. The desperate search for a 9-year-old boy missing since Sunday with his pony in the rugged canyons of central Oregon resumed at daybreak today but already poor weather worsened.
  16. It is nice to feel really wanted, in a state so desperate for a big project that you will be treated like royalty - as befits the Mercedes image.
  17. The situation isn't desperate, since inventory-sales ratios still are at levels that are low by historical standards.
  18. "There is a desperate need for organs.
  19. (portion) A judge Wednesday extended for three weeks the period in which Central American asylum-seekers can leave southern Texas, where an immigration policy was blamed for trapping hundreds in desperate conditions.
  20. Karnes said he refused to be drawn into negative campaigning, and Mrs. Orr said it was "sad" that Daub was resorting to "desperate" tactics.
  21. Kentucky Fried Chicken donated 1,000 meals for the celebration, while 14 McDonald's employees from Hong Kong flipped 3,000 patties for Americans desperate for a taste of Big Macs.
  22. And he ended up making his last, desperate try for credibility in a city and state that symbolized social and political views light years away from the South, his chief ally that quintessential, abrasive New Yorker, Mayor Edward Koch.
  23. Your March 18 article "Growing Demand for Organ Transplants Spurs Efforts to Expand Pool of Donors" (second front page) correctly points out the desperate shortage of transplantable organs and tissues facing our country today.
  24. Investors should also be reassured by the implication that the management is not so desperate for deals that it will overpay.
  25. Those recommending just the same dash now ought to mention this health warning. There is still one respectable-looking argument for recommending desperate remedies.
  26. Thrift regulators in the Southwest are launching a program designed to place as much as $3 billion in deposits into about 100 weak savings and loan associations who are desperate for funds.
  27. Every year, ski resorts are desperate to tell the world they have opened on the earliest possible date - sometimes ridiculously early. In its traditional battle to be first, Keystone pulled off a master-stroke to scupper Loveland, its local rival.
  28. BCCI grew desperate. The official lending limit to the Gokals, "which was hardly about $300 million, had been breached again and again" until loans totaled just over $400 million, recalled Mr. Rahman, the former BCCI finance director.
  29. Meanwhile, employers desperate for workers are offering free bus shuttles to work, throwing jobs parties and holding cash-bonus raffles for new workers.
  30. Patrick Lekota, an ANC official in Durban, called the attack "a desperate attempt to discredit the liberation movement as a whole." About 5,000 blacks have been killed in factional fighting since 1986 in Natal Province, which includes Durban.
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