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 designs [dɪ'zaɪn添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 阴谋, 诡计

    1. Authors always tell us to place the long-term features first, but new ideas intrude and new possibilities emerge as the site is progressively tamed. I have long-term designs on a low sweet-scented hedge of sarcocca which flowers in winter.
    2. Until the two smaller concerns get their designs off the ground, the Boeing plane will continue to enjoy its monopoly position.
    3. "If they won't respect our designs, we won't respect theirs," an EC Commission official who asked not to be named, said.
    4. One Western analyst with detailed knowledge of Mr. Yakovlev's publications and speeches says Mr. Gorbachev's designs for the Soviet Union today remain "pure Yakovlev."
    5. She said the company has been studying various designs for several years, but the decision to change was spurred partly by the success of the company's "Cool Cans" last summer.
    6. IBM is also offering circuit-boards incorporating its home-built Intel-designed chips to other PC makers. IBM has also demonstrated its ability to improve upon Intel's microprocessor designs.
    7. Numerous such "passively safe" designs are under development.
    8. "But," she adds delicately, "his designs can be out of the realm of ordinary experience."
    9. In contrast, one memory card - a mini printed circuit board packed with memory chips and a battery - can store eight designs. More important, the technology will help Vanners react more quickly to changes in tie fashion.
    10. The plants are based on Soviet designs.
    11. The two cheapest new cars on the market, the Yugo Tempo and Lada Riva, are designs that Fiat abandoned decades ago. So if all you want is a new K-plate to upstage the neighbours, then maybe less than Pounds 3,900 is not such a high price to pay.
    12. It's a perfect example, an important masterpiece." The art deco district's buildings are painted pastel colors and sport geometric designs, its sidewalks are painted pink and it's often featured on NBC's "Miami Vice" television show.
    13. The R4000 is one of two microprocessor designs picked by ACE, a group of computer makers planning to build advanced desktop machines around common standards.
    14. Moreover, partners such as Digital Equipment buy and resell its designs and workstations.
    15. Many of the designs are college logos.
    16. Marc Bohan's new designs included a sari effect done with feathery light silk draped around the bodice and over the shoulder.
    17. The Danes were among the pioneers of double-hull designs increasingly required on crude-oil carriers in the wake of the Exxon Valdez spill.
    18. He promised also to reinforce budgetary controls and introduce greater transparency. He was warned by Ms Anne Wibble, Swedish finance minister, new chairman of the board, that 'the time for grand designs' was over.
    19. One goal for the university team was to create designs that suit both religious and recreational activities at Sarnath and would cut down conflicts between the two.
    20. However brilliant its work, even AT&T's magnificent Bell Labs can no longer supply everything the telecommunications industry needs, nor can IBM's equally magnificent labs supply all the software or semiconductor designs that IBM's computers need.
    21. GORDON BUNSHAFT, an architect noted for austere, modernist designs in glass and steel and best known for his Lever House, which introduced the International style to New York's Park Avenue in 1952.
    22. Wean designs and makes steel-processing equipment.
    23. "People will say it's only a potato chip," Young said. "But Mother Nature makes these designs.
    24. DANCE New York Joffrey Ballet The late Robert Joffrey's version of "The Nutcracker" is set in Victorian America, with designs based on prints, engravings, Christmas cards and toys of the period.
    25. It is part of "insidious designs" by Israel, he said.
    26. 'Even when we go on holiday I am dreaming up new designs for vertical machining centres.' It has been a grim fortnight for the machine-tool industry.
    27. The U.S. Postal Service chose designs submitted by Forbes for both the 1988 Winter and Summer Olympic commemoratives.
    28. Independent Election Corporation of Lake Success, N.Y., is the nation's largest processor of corporate proxy ballots and Office Technology designs voting systems, Weems said.
    29. His work doesn't appear in glossy architectural magazines and he draws no raves reviews for his timber frames, collar beams and squat designs in bare concrete.
    30. Williams, whose MGM movies like the "Million Dollar Mermaid," "Dangerous When Wet" and "Bathing Beauty" were known for lavish swimming and underwater ballet sequences, says she packed decades of swimming experience into 124 suit designs.
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