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 descendant [di'sendәnt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 后裔, 子孙

a. 传下的, 下降的

[法] 子孙, 后裔, 卑亲属

  1. He is a descendant of Queen Victoria.
  2. A member or descendant of a northern Semitic people, claiming descent from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; an Israelite; a Jew.
  3. As an everlasting possession I will give you and your descendants after you the land in which you now are aliens, all the land of Canaan, and I will be God to your descendants.

[ noun ]
  1. a person considered as descended from some ancestor or race

  2. <noun.person>
[ adj ]
  1. going or coming down

  2. <adj.all>
  3. proceeding by descent from an ancestor

  4. <adj.all>
    descendent gene

Descendant \De*scend"ant\, a. [F. descendant, p. pr. of
descendre. Cf. {Descendent}.]

Descendant \De*scend"ant\, n.
One who descends, as offspring, however remotely; --
correlative to ancestor or ascendant.

Our first parents and their descendants. --Hale.

The descendant of so many kings and emperors. --Burke.

  1. For the first time since George Bannerman Dealey bought the company in 1926, Belo's president, James Sheehan, isn't a Dealey descendant.
  2. Brian Thomson, a descendant of a Scot who helped build Argentina's railways (currently costing the government over $1 billion a year), is trying to forge a similarly radical change.
  3. It was unknown whether the boy is a descendant of the St. Paul's architect.
  4. It isn't clear whether the Soviet government will buy them." Stuart said the owner is a descendant of Prince Nikolai Orlov who went into exile in France after the revolution.
  5. A key figure, Police Chief Sid "Two-Gun" Hatfield, a descendant of clan leader Anderson "Devil Anse" Hatfield, was gunned down outside the courthouse where he was to stand trial.
  6. Applegate was a descendant of the pioneer family that blazed a cutoff from the Oregon Trail in the late 1800s into southwestern Oregon, where a small town still bears the family name.
  7. I'm a Mayflower descendant, a Vassar graduate (with a 4.0 average), an intellectual.
  8. Using a computer-driven descendant of the player piano, a music scholar gave new life to more than 100 rare George Gershwin solos recorded on piano rolls.
  9. Nelson, whose father was in his 70s when he was born, was the only known first-generation descendant at the national park, where what many historians view as the central battle of the Civil War took place.
  10. Lewis, who is black, is a descendant of Lewis Woodson, who settled in the Pittsburgh area in 1831.
  11. My forefathers would have jumped over in their graves," said Karen Howland, a descendant of Pilgrims, before selectmen Tuesday unanimously turned down the bid to serve alcohol at the 200-seat restaurant opened in October.
  12. His mother, Lady Jean Crichton-Stuart, was a descendant of the Stuarts, the ruling family of Scotland from 1371-1603 and of England and Scotland from 1603-1714, with an 11-year interruption in the 17th century.
  13. I can't comment on what we've got." Beyond deeds and tax records, the one piece of evidence that would prove a loan was made _ a receipt _ has been gone for generations, said Carl DeHaven, a descendant of Jacob's brother, Samuel.
  14. She was described as a descendant of a local king.
  15. And a descendant of the nation's first president who participated in the weekend's festivities is a Washington trying to be an actor.
  16. And Chernobyl - a direct descendant of Obninsk's NP-1 - is an extra burden to bear. It would be a mistake, however, to regard the Russian nuclear industry as being in terminal decline.
  17. The 30-year-old Rockefeller _ a descendant of William Rockefeller, brother of John D. Rockefeller Sr. _ will soon be seen modeling Jockey brand underwear.
  18. Doe, a former master sergeant in the Liberian army, came to power in a bloody coup in April 1980 in which President William Tolbert, a descendant of freed American slaves, and most of his political allies were killed.
  19. The larvae were removed from the North Dakota tree _ a descendant of one planted by President John Quincy Adams _ and the tree was sprayed with insecticide.
  20. It was a turning point for civilization in the preservation of a monotheistic religious heritage that has spread around the earth through its descendant faiths.
  21. The third film, "Tamerlane," will be directed by Ali Khamraev and is based on the life of the 14th century Mongol conqueror who claimed to be a descendant of Genghis Kahn.
  22. Before the runners left, a pipe ceremony was led by Isaac Dog Eagle, who said he was a Sitting Bull descendant.
  23. Thanks to the intercession of another minister, Mordecai, himself a descendant of the family of Saul, Haman's plan was thwarted.
  24. His tone was quieter in the general election campaign, though he tried to attack Weld's image as a wealthy descendant of Boston's old ruling class.
  25. It is the descendant of that original beer which made the Bass fortunes.
  26. Mr. Molson was previously deputy chairman and is a descendant of the company's founder, John Molson.
  27. And can a descendant of slaves, a no-man amongst no-men, with a dark, unwritten history, ever hope to have a real identity at all?
  28. The song explaining the function of the Thrift Club seems a distant descendant of 'Pass it along' from Bernstein's Candide, but opts for bland jollity without any bite. The same might be said of the whole show.
  29. The game of squash is a direct descendant of racquets.
  30. Stretching 2,990 square yards of Dacron, this latter-day descendant needs only 35 officers and seamen. "Not counting our most versatile hand, the computer," adds the captain.
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