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 depreciate [dɪ'priʃɪ`et]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vi. 贬值

vt. 降价, 贬低

[法] 贬低, 使贬值, 折旧

  1. Don't depreciate what I have done.
  2. Our currency will not be depreciated.
  3. Don't depreciate my efforts to help.


Depreciate \De*pre"ci*ate\ (d[-e]*pr[=e]"sh[i^]*[=a]t), v. t.
[imp. & p. p. {Depreciated}
(d[-e]*pr[=e]"sh[i^]*[=a]`t[e^]d); p. pr. & vb. n.
{Depreciating} (d[-e]*pr[=e]"sh[i^]*[=a]`t[i^]ng).] [L.
depretiatus, depreciatus, p. p. of depretiare, -ciare, to
depreciate; de- + pretiare to prize, fr. pretium price. See
To lessen in price or estimated value; to lower the worth of;
to represent as of little value or claim to esteem; to
undervalue. --Addison.

Which . . . some over-severe philosophers may look upon
fastidiously, or undervalue and depreciate. --Cudworth.

To prove that the Americans ought not to be free, we
are obliged to depreciate the value of freedom itself.

Syn: To decry; disparage; traduce; lower; detract; underrate.
See {Decry}.

Depreciate \De*pre"ci*ate\, v. i.
To fall in value; to become of less worth; to sink in
estimation; as, a paper currency will depreciate, unless it
is convertible into specie.

  1. Countries tend to depreciate their currencies against those of the trading partners with which they have sustained worrisome deficits.
  2. Reducing from five years to two years the minimum time period over which owners of rental tuxedo firms may depreciate their inventories, saving owners $29 million over five years.
  3. A newspaper company can depreciate paid subscriber lists acquired through the purchase of other publishing interests, a federal judged ruled April 3.
  4. Given that the market had already discounted Tesco's asset values, the food retailer's move to depreciate its land and buildings comes as a belated recognition of reality.
  5. Through last year the Federal Reserve was under pressure from the Reagan administration to force interest rates lower, depreciate the dollar and stimulate economic growth.
  6. New boats depreciate rapidly, often losing 20% or more of their value in the first year alone.
  7. The tax calculation works this way: A film owner figures out how much to depreciate by dividing the year's actual income from a film by the total income that is forecast, and then multiplying that by the film's cost.
  8. Easing monetary policy now, and allowing the D-Mark to depreciate, would fuel these domestic inflationary pressures by pushing up producer price inflation.
  9. Forcing colleges to depreciate "would only boost our bookkeeping costs for no reason," he says.
  10. Its like-for-like sales and margins had fallen, it was writing off over-valued sites and starting to depreciate its assets.
  11. "The Swiss franc had been fairly weak against other currencies, and this gave the signal that (the Swiss) didn't want it to depreciate much further," said Bob Morrissey, a senior trader at the Bank of Boston.
  12. Officials would make public statements indicating a desire to see the dollar depreciate.
  13. Kansas Gas also has asked that it be allowed to depreciate its Wolf Creek nuclear power plant over 40 years instead of 30 years, thus cutting expenses.
  14. Firstly that the currency will depreciate but ultimately that some country or other will get into such a mess that it will have to restructure its debt.
  15. Noting that Japan doesn't depreciate national investment at the same rate the U.S. does, Mr. Hayashi is sympathetic with Japan's defense of its savings rate, saying the rate appears much higher than it really is.
  16. The Fed's action need not have much impact on growth overseas, but probably will because European central banks are reluctant to see their currencies depreciate against the dollar.
  17. One, which is UK-specific, is the disappearance, following sterling's depreciation, of the expectation that the currency would have to depreciate.
  18. In no way does the bank intend to accommodate this expansion by allowing the mark to depreciate.
  19. This is admittedly somewhat complicated by central bank operations; we think that it is a grave error to depreciate the dollar in a futile attempt to "cure" the trade "balance."
  20. Although a devaluation was averted following last month's lifting of capital controls, the drachma is expected to depreciate against other EU currencies.
  21. It also said it would depreciate the $1,550 value of her damaged belongs 35%.
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