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 depiction [di'pikʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 描写, 叙述

  1. A depiction of a point or an area that is far away.
  2. The crowd ripped down posters depiction their political opponents.
  3. Apoptosis is a morphological depiction of cell death.

[ noun ]
  1. a graphic or vivid verbal description

  2. <noun.communication>
    too often the narrative was interrupted by long word pictures
    the author gives a depressing picture of life in Poland
    the pamphlet contained brief characterizations of famous Vermonters
  3. a representation by picture or portraiture

  4. <noun.cognition>
  5. a drawing of the outlines of forms or objects

  6. <noun.artifact>
  7. representation by drawing or painting etc

  8. <noun.act>

Depiction \De*pic"tion\, n. [L. depictio.]
A painting or depicting; a representation.

  1. The slickly produced series has been criticized by London's financial cognoscenti as inaccurate in detail, but its major weakness is its unrealistic depiction of the characters' professional and private lives.
  2. "It's discrimination," says Hannelore Wass, a University of Florida professor who has studied the media's depiction of the elderly.
  3. I write to express my dismay at the depiction of the work of my organization, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, in your editorial "The Refugees' Other Problem" (July 27).
  4. Renoir's depiction of an open-air dance hall in Montmartre, "Au Moulin dela Galette," is to be auctioned at Sotheby's.
  5. Marc Christian, who won $5.5 million from the Hudson estate a year ago in a landmark AIDS lawsuit, said in a Superior Court lawsuit filed by celebrity lawyer Marvin Mitchelson that he was shamed by the book's depiction of him.
  6. Sotheby's will sell "Au Moulin de La Gallete," Pierre-Auguste Renoir's vibrant depiction of a festive Parisian dance hall.
  7. She was the bold model with the tight little frame and steady, daring gaze whose depiction in Manet's Olympia and Le Dejeuner sur l'Herbe revolutionised European nude painting and outraged the 19th century art world.
  8. His latest movie, "Betrayed," examines racist paramilitary groups in the United States, and is likely to come under siege itself for its depiction of hard-working Midwestern farmers who lead a double life as racist killers.
  9. An osteopath faces a $125,000 lawsuit for drawing a cartoon depiction of oral sex on a patient's chest, despite his protest that it was just a joke between friends.
  10. Many of those involved in the fight against AIDS are lauding cartoonist Garry Trudeau's comic depiction of the ignorance, unfounded fears and public indifference that sometimes surround the disease.
  11. The Tennessee senator said Gephardt's "whole approach to the electorate is in contrast to the approach during his career in the Congress." And Gore spokeswoman Arlie Schardt took aim at the Gephardt campaign's depiction of Gore position changes.
  12. The centerpiece of that sale is Pierre-Auguste Renoir's "Au Moulin de la Galette," an ebullient, colorful depiction of a Parisian dance hall.
  13. Not only are there far fewer women than men in virtually every aspect of TV production, but the depiction of women in prime-time programs perpetuates a stereotype of half-clad, half-brained creatures.
  14. To illustrate this, the commercials will show a depiction of how the twin blades will move up and down to adjust to the contours of the face.
  15. Perhaps the chief disappointment is "The Natchez" (1822-1835), a cloying, sentimentalized depiction of an American Indian couple huddled around their newborn baby.
  16. Part of Merril's defense was the fact that Jenrette left behind a $125 pair of shoes, and that the camera used by the security guards didn't give an accurate depiction of events.
  17. "I don't want to get caught doing finish-line illustrations," Forbes said of the typical sporting event depiction.
  18. The girl also said she was disturbed by her depiction as mentally retarded.
  19. They include the depiction of various phases of ship construction and life at sea aboard the submarine U.S.S. Dorado shortly before it and its crew were lost at sea in 1943.
  20. They say she could be a famous actress from the nearby theater, a woman the artist loved or a depiction of Aphrodite, the ancient goddess of love.
  21. Mr. Cragg's first such moment was a depiction of Gene Sarazin making his "Shot Heard 'Round the World."
  22. There is only one way in which the visual beauty and understatement of "Mary Phagan" undercut the story it is trying to tell, and that is in its depiction of hardship.
  23. A depiction of children who watch too much television as "couch potatoes" has drawn a tongue-in-cheek yelp of protest _ that potatoes deserve better.
  24. I was sort of outside." Douglas' film career has been marked by an affinity for forceful heroic roles, from his part as a calculating boxer in 1949's "Champion" to his depiction of Vincent Van Gogh in 1956's "Lust for Life."
  25. He also said that Varon made no effort to plea-bargain on his client's behalf because that would have scuttled any movie or book depiction.
  26. Like other computers, the system gives a designer a computer generated, three-dimensional depiction of a car.
  27. Instead, the book's drama comes from its comprehensive depiction of corruption, followed by a complex study of the dynamics of remorse.
  28. Larry Cirignano, a Bennett spokesman, said the network report was "not an accurate depiction" of Bennett's views, but he declined to elaborate. "We never talk about what we recommend to the president," he said.
  29. Ford's depiction of "redskin savages" continued in "Fort Apache" (1948), "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon" (1949) and "Rio Grande" (1950).
  30. Historians of the French Institute for the History of the Present, who developed the exhibits, said they were intended to balance the traditional depiction of various phases of the war in French textbooks.
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