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 del credere 添加此单词到默认生词本
[经] 保付(货价), 买主资力保证费, 担保还款

  1. Usually, del credere agents charge a higher commission.
  2. A del credere agent is the agent who takes responsibility for credit risks.
  3. The profit and risk of loss remains with the principal, unless the agent is a del credere one.

Del credere \Del` cred"er*e\ [It., of belief or trust.]
(Mercantile Law)
An agreement by which an agent or factor, in consideration of
an additional premium or commission (called a del credere
commission), engages, when he sells goods on credit, to
insure, warrant, or guarantee to his principal the solvency
of the purchaser, the engagement of the factor being to pay
the debt himself if it is not punctually discharged by the
buyer when it becomes due.

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