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 decencies 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 礼仪;行为准则(decency的复数形式)

  1. We must observe the decencies.
  2. The decencies of mourning mean that media and political opponents are behaving gently.
  3. The decencies of mourning mean that media and political opponents are behaving gently.

Decency \De"cen*cy\, n.; pl. {Decencies}. [L. decentia, fr.
decens: cf. F. d['e]cence. See {Decent}.]
1. The quality or state of being decent, suitable, or
becoming, in words or behavior; propriety of form in
social intercourse, in actions, or in discourse; proper
formality; becoming ceremony; seemliness; hence, freedom
from obscenity or indecorum; modesty.

Observances of time, place, and of decency in
general. --Burke.

Immodest words admit of no defense,
For want of decency is want of sense. --Roscommon.

2. That which is proper or becoming.

The external decencies of worship. --Atterbury.

Those thousand decencies, that daily flow
From all her words and actions. --Milton.

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