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 debris ['deibri:]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 碎片, 残骸

[医] 碎屑

  1. A heavy woven net of rope or wire cable placed over a blasting site to keep debris from scattering.
  2. A loose deposit of rock debris accumulated through the action of gravity at the base of a cliff or slope.
  3. The sea tided the debris ashore.

[ noun ]
the remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up

  1. At the ceremony at Hradcany Castle, the seat of the president, Calfa pledged to help lead Czechoslovakia out of the debris of the Communist legacy, recalling the democratic tradition that prevailed before Communist rule.
  2. William Feathergail Wilson, Placid's exploration vice president, told the Hunts of an ancient Mississippi River 50 miles wide and 200 feet deep, which buried a treasure of oil-forming debris in the vicinity of Green Canyon.
  3. There are six modules, so that's an extra 12,000 pounds of weight that are having to be put into orbit because of the orbital debris environment," Mr. Kessler said.
  4. U.S. officials said the teams brought heavy equipment to Cabanatuan to remove tons of debris.
  5. It carried debris half a block away from the demolished house and shattered windows and cracked walls in neighboring homes.
  6. Protesters knocked down parts of the school's wall and hurled the debris at police.
  7. Many were apprehensive that the loud music played during the exhibition would send loose debris crashing down from the ceiling. But it held.
  8. They quickly set to work removing debris piled several yards deep.
  9. "I heard so much debris hitting the windows of the building," she recalled. "There was no visibility because the rain was coming down so hard.
  10. The U.S. and Soviet teen-agers will help repair trails in the park, doing such things as clearing debris and countering erosion.
  11. Panamanian investigators and U.S. military police were inside the disco Saturday looking through the debris for evidence. American soldiers and Panamanian police guarded the building and kept onlookers and journalists away.
  12. The main fire, which began Sunday morning along Highway 49 about 30 miles northwest of Nevada City, was apparently caused by an illegal burn of debris, said U.S. Forest Service spokeswoman Ann Dow.
  13. Kirkham was caught removing water-soaked cartons of medical debris from shoreline boat stalls last November, after the lake northeast of Fort Worth receded following a flood.
  14. NASA said the Apollo debris, including investigation data, take up about 3,300 feet of storage.
  15. She said the debris also included pieces of fuselage and window frames with "747" written on them.
  16. Customs agents detected what they thought was a bomb in a suitcase headed for a Colombian airliner Wednesday and a bomb squad blew it up, but analysis of the debris revealed the luggage contained a video game.
  17. National Transportation Safety Board investigators picked over debris from Friday's crash and also checked the records of the truck and driver, who was one of those who died in the crash.
  18. "They reported that there was still fire and small explosions in the severely damaged main fuselage and in debris spred widely around in steep and rough terrain," Soenderland said.
  19. Witnesses said debris and parts of charred bodies were scattered in the area.
  20. Piles of dirt and debris lie in Peace Square, once a beauty spot of the city.
  21. In 1983 we predicted that the transport of smoke and nuclear debris to the Southern Hemisphere could be accelerated by the fundamentally altered nuclear-winter circulation.
  22. Clean filter openings with a rag or brush, remove debris and replace any worn parts.
  23. He said the tea and debris from the boxes would be removed from the already polluted harbor by a Boston Tea Party Ship and Museum employee in a canoe.
  24. Fire officials and police rushed to put out small fires started by the falling aircraft debris.
  25. The statement said Navy search teams found no indications of survivors during an extensive air and water search of the area. Some floating debris, including aircraft parts from each helicopter, were recovered.
  26. Mayor Roberto Saturnino Braga said the mud, water and debris made the city look like "a giant stepped through" the area.
  27. In the inland counties of Sumter, Lee and Clarendon, landfills near capacity before the storm are overflowing with garbage and debris, fallen trees and food that spoiled during widespread power outages.
  28. Traffic on the highway was rerouted for several hours as Federal Aviation Administration officials began an investigation and crews cleaned up debris.
  29. Rescuers and spectators cheered as Luisa Mallorca, a 20-year-old cleaning woman, and Arnel Calabia, a 26-year-old security guard, were pulled from the debris.
  30. "We were a few aisles away, we heard a loud muffled explosion, like a large balloon exploding," Profeta said. "Then we saw a cloud of smoke and flaming debris shoot up in the air.
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