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 daughter cell 添加此单词到默认生词本

    daughter cell
    [ noun ]
    a cell formed by the division or budding of another cell
    anthrax grows by dividing into two daughter cells that are generally identical

    Daughter \Daugh"ter\, n.; pl. {Daughters}; obs. pl. {Daughtren}.
    [OE. doughter, doghter, dohter, AS. dohtor, dohter; akin to
    OS. dohtar, D. dochter, G. tochter, Icel. d[=o]ttir, Sw.
    dotter, Dan. dotter, datter, Goth. da['u]htar,, OSlav.
    d[u^]shti, Russ. doche, Lith. dukt[=e], Gr. qyga`thr, Zend.
    dughdhar, Skr. duhit[.r]; possibly originally, the milker,
    cf. Skr. duh to milk. [root]68, 245.]
    1. The female offspring of the human species; a female child
    of any age; -- applied also to the lower animals.

    2. A female descendant; a woman.

    This woman, being a daughter of Abraham. --Luke
    xiii. 16.

    Dinah, the daughter of Leah, which she bare unto
    Jacob, went out to see the daughter of the land.
    --Gen. xxxiv.

    3. A son's wife; a daughter-in-law.

    And Naomi said, Turn again, my daughters. --Ruth. i.

    4. A term of address indicating parental interest.

    Daughter, be of good comfort. --Matt. ix.

    {Daughter cell} (Biol.), one of the cells formed by cell
    division. See {Cell division}, under {Division}.

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