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 data ['detə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
pl. 资料, 数据

[计] 数据; DOS内部命令:用于显示或设定系统的日期

[化] 数据

[医] 材料, 资料, 论据

[经] 资料, 数据

  1. Very little data is available.
  2. The data is still being analyzed.
  3. The data stored in a computer can be protected.

[ noun ]
a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn
statistical data

Data \Da"ta\, n. pl. [L. pl. of datum.]
1. See {Datum}.

2. a collection of facts, observations, or other information
related to a particular question or problem; as, the
historical data show that the budget deficit is only a
small factor in determining interest rates.

Note: The term in this sense is used especially in reference
to experimental observations collected in the course of
a controlled scientific investigation.

3. (Computers) information, most commonly in the form of a
series of binary digits, stored on a physical storage
medium for manipulation by a computer program. It is
contrasted with the {program} which is a series of
instructions used by the central processing unit of a
computer to manipulate the data. In some conputers data
and execuatble programs are stored in separate locations.

Datum \Da"tum\, n.; pl. {Data}. [L. See 2d {Date}.]
1. Something given or admitted; a fact or principle granted;
that upon which an inference or an argument is based; --
used chiefly in the plural.

Any writer, therefore, who . . . furnishes us with
data sufficient to determine the time in which he
wrote. --Priestley.

2. a single piece of information; a fact; especially a piece
of information obtained by observation or experiment; --
used mostly in the plural.

3. pl. (Math.) The quantities or relations which are assumed
to be given in any problem.

4. (Surveying) a point, line, or level surface used as a
reference in measuring elevations. --RHUD

{Datum line} (Surv.), the horizontal or base line, from which
the heights of points are reckoned or measured, as in the
plan of a railway, etc.

  1. Some network executives say that if advertisers insist on pure people-meter data, they might lower, or even do away with, audience guarantees.
  2. But last year, Spanish sparkling wine sales in the U.S. sank 10%, to around 17 million bottles, according to agency data.
  3. Brian Fabbri, chief economist at Midland Montagu Economics, New York, pointed out that recent flooding in the Southwest could cut employment data further.
  4. Bruce Viclad, president of the United Hospital Fund in New York, who recently reviewed data on AIDS cases there, said his organization found the CDC estimate a little high and said the Hudson Institute estimates were improbable.
  5. Besides, Mr. Crosby asserts, SmartRoute has built an elaborate system for gathering data and doesn't need Metro's reports.
  6. It recently won a $325 million contract to modernize Canada's air-traffic control system, and is bidding on a $210 million contract to modernize data processing for the Bureau of Land Management.
  7. The study analyzed data from an FCC survey of 8,720 U.S. radio and television stations, about 79 percent of the total.
  8. The data are based on cost of living indices, excluding the oil tax rise at the beginning of the year.
  9. "It's an inconvenience, not a large monetary or data loss," says Bill Vance, director of secure systems for IBM.
  10. The currency held up well, with the Australian dollar firming to a high of USDollars 0.6845 before moving back to USDollars 0.6835. That the interest rate cut was widely expected was due mainly to the economic data released last week.
  11. Most of the data, though, is generated on the plant floor and the key is to be able to get hold of it quickly and flexibly. For example, all incoming components from suppliers are barcoded, and the information is downloaded into the database.
  12. The Labor Department's earnings data are used to index hundreds of billions of dollars of defense contracts.
  13. He died in 1915 when he was halfway through the letter `S.' The new edition also has been computerized, with the vocabulary of English since 1150 A.D. on a single data base to be available by home computer.
  14. Instead, the IRS will try to close the cases with data it has and notify the filers that no other action is needed.
  15. In another case in Clearwater, Fla., the high court's ruling supersedes a federal judge's ruling that the city can't force churches to disclose financial data if they accept donations, Kelley said.
  16. Though not all the links are yet filled in, the system meets the current needs. Unusually, Mr McCammon enters all the data himself - partly to ensure its correctness, but he does it mainly to keep him in touch with all that is happening in the company.
  17. Industry sources have identified British Gas, Elf Aquitaine and Houston-based Enron Corp., which operates the nation's largest natural gas transmission system, as three companies that have made trips to the Texas Eastern data rooms.
  18. Founded in 1961, the Texas company analyzes demographic data so that its clients, including insurance companies and charities, can better target their direct-mail audiences.
  19. But Mr. Aaron, among others, continues to insist that the data are inconclusive.
  20. New government data that suggested the pace of economic growth is slowing had little impact on the stock market.
  21. The European Security Forum is evidence of the weight that blue chip companies attach to data security.
  22. The blinding means that much of the data sought by the U.S. satellite could not be gathered.
  23. A Senate panel is examining evidence that several countries believed to be working on clandestine nuclear-weapons programs have been getting sensitive data from three Energy Department weapons laboratories.
  24. The program, if successful, would become a standard for using CD-ROM-based data, much as Microsoft's operating system software is now the standard for International Business Machines Corp. personal computers and the legions of compatibles.
  25. In 1985, Cheney voted for limits on "revolving door" job switches from the Pentagon to private military supply companies, and for legislation requiring the Pentagon to maintain records of contractors' proposed and negotiated cost and pricing data.
  26. That came as a setback to some faint hopes in the financial world that the Federal Reserve might take the employment data as a cue to relax its credit policy further.
  27. "We no longer can concentrate solely on producing more," he said. "We didn't have data on ground water 10 years ago.
  28. On the economic calendar for today, August personal income data are expected to show a 0.5% gain, while consumption expenditures are expected to be unchanged, according to a Dow Jones Capital Markets Report consensus of economists.
  29. The Selective Service System hunts for registration evaders by combing 100 computerized data banks.
  30. Rust said lightning can interfere with the signals sometimes, though most data gets through.
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