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 dank [dæŋk]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 阴湿的, 潮湿的

  1. The dark, dank cave gave me the willies.
  2. Vielen Dank.
  3. A dank, earthy smell filled his nostrils.

[ adj ]
unpleasantly cool and humid
a clammy handshakeclammy weather
a dank cellar
dank rain forests

Dank \Dank\, a. [Cf. dial, Sw. dank a moist place in a field,
Icel. d["o]kk pit, pool; possibly akin to E. damp or to
daggle dew.]
Damp; moist; humid; wet.

Now that the fields are dank and ways are mire.

Cheerless watches on the cold, dank ground. --Trench.

Dank \Dank\, n.
Moisture; humidity; water. [Obs.]

Dank \Dank\, n.
A small silver coin current in Persia.

  1. The polling place is a dank medieval building without heat or electricity.
  2. It is the dank, dark, rain-gleamed metropolis of Ridley Scott's film, animated by such Scott specials as whirring ventilation propellers and hissing steam-jets.
  3. Much of movie itself, in fact, resembles the verbal equivalent of that goo and grime languishing in the dank crevices of a garbage disposal.
  4. The brothels, opium dens and gambling halls have gone long since, and officials say walking the maze of dim, dank lanes is safe.
  5. It includes imperial-style buildings with red pillars and slanted tiled roofs, as well as blocks of dank and dreary dormitories where each room houses about six students.
  6. In 1927, they left for the tri-border area of Tibet, Burma and China, a region of dank jungles, remote tribes and towns razed by civil war.
  7. On a dank, lugubrious day in that September of 1933, Szilard went for a walk.
  8. "It was a gloomy, dank church it was Sunday evening and he was talking about art, about which he knew absolutely nothing except that it was bad and for two hours he spoke without a note and he held this audience absolutely," Shirer said.
  9. The Conciergerie, the dank and forbidding stone prison where victims of the French Revolution spent their final moments, opened to the public Tuesday in all its former gloom and grandeur.
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