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 culturist ['kʌltʃərɪst]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 培养者, 养殖者

  1. By means of artificial: Continual attract Ho culturist a whole range of up to dick talented person.
  2. According to the results of studying on the technique of controlling virus disease of cultured shrimp for three years and aim at the cultured situation of shrimp, we elaborat the stress of controlling on virus disease of cultured shrimp at present in Dagu

Culturist \Cul"tur*ist\, n.
1. A cultivator.

2. One who is an advocate of culture.

The culturists, by which term I mean not those who
esteem culture (as what intelligent man does not?)
but those its exclusive advocates who recommend it
as the panacea for all the ills of humanity, for its
effects in cultivating the whole man. --J. C. Shairp

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