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 crusading 添加此单词到默认生词本
v. 长期坚定不移地奋斗;领导(或参加)运动;加入十字军东征(crusade 的现在分词)
adj. 改革运动的

  1. I greet you, Patrick, my brother's crusading hero.
    我招呼您,帕特里克, 讨伐我的兄弟的英雄。
  2. In some ways the constantly revised version of the battered basic bill became more rigorous because crusading accelerated.
  3. The crusading movement was a western phenomenon and it should be seen in that context, although it was set off by events in the East.

Crusade \Cru*sade"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Crusaded}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Crusading}.]
To engage in a crusade; to attack in a zealous or hot-headed
manner. ``Cease crusading against sense.'' --M. Green.

Crusading \Cru*sad"ing\, a.
Of or pertaining to a crusade; as, a crusading spirit.

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