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 crossfire ['krɔs`faɪr]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 交叉火力, 串报, 串扰电流

[电] 交火

  1. In some cases, the civilians are killed in the crossfire.
  2. Any civilians killed– including the Chinese– were in the crossfire, he said.
  3. The leading companies recoiled from the murderous crossfire from the pillboxes.

[ noun ]
  1. a lively or heated interchange of ideas and opinions

  2. <noun.communication>
  3. fire from two or more points so that the lines of fire cross

  4. <noun.act>

  1. In a bid to prevent passengers being caught in the crossfire between Rio's police and drug traffickers all the windows are to be fitted with bullet-proof glass.
  2. He said he was wounded when he was caught in the crossfire between the killer and the U.S. Postal Service police officer who fired a bullet into his neck.
  3. Gang violence has begun to move into more affluent, mainly white areas, illustrated by the Jan. 30 shooting of 27-year-old Karen Toshima, who was caught in gang crossfire.
  4. The State Department says the U.S. Embassy in Beirut was being caught in the crossfire, and today some personnel were evacuated.
  5. The embassy shut down when it was caught in the crossfire during Wednesday's fighting.
  6. Human rights groups say hundreds of the dead were non-combatants caught in the crossfire between rebels and government forces.
  7. Ironically, Pavich and other organic table grape growers have been caught in the crossfire of the United Farm Workers boycott to protest use of five pesticides on table grapes.
  8. The Sikhs have also built fortifications on the northern edge of the complex, from which police Tuesday evacuated 800 pilgrims to keep them out of the crossfire.
  9. The warring factions laid aside their differences Friday long enough for the church funeral of gambling opponent Matthew Pyke, 22, who was shot dead in a crossfire Tuesday on the Canadian side of the reservation.
  10. Standard Chartered "has been caught up in a certain amount of crossfire" between courts in the United States and Hong Kong, Thomas said, adding that there was a "serious risk" of the bank falling victim to double jeopardy.
  11. The tanker war in the Persian Gulf has resumed in earnest, U.S. officials said, posing new risks that the American forces committed there will be caught in the crossfire.
  12. About 150 guerrillas with automatic weapons caught the two boats in a crossfire near the village of Guaranda, the general said.
  13. Caught in the crossfire, he didn't know quite where to turn.
  14. Richard Gephardt headed for campaign stops in South Carolina today after a Super Tuesday disaster he blamed on lack of money and a withering crossfire from rivals Michael Dukakis and Albert Gore Jr.
  15. "I got caught in the crossfire," he says.
  16. Dazmaine, caught in crossfire between drug dealers, now limps around the project's grounds.
  17. The collapse of the tour has led to a crossfire of accusations, with the promoters saying the dance troupe did not show up with big Russian stars as promised, while the other side accuses the promoters of having cold feet and empty wallets.
  18. A 16-year-old girl was killed Monday in crossfire between soldiers and Moslem separatists and the bullet-riddled bodies of two kidnapping victims were found by a river, officials and newspapers reported.
  19. Amidst the partisan crossfire, Dole's irritation with one of his Republican colleagues, Virginia's John Warner, slipped out.
  20. Venod Kumar, 30, a Hindu who worked with the local Red Cross, was killed when he was caught in the crossfire just outside the main entrance of the temple, police said.
  21. Salvation Army officials are grateful but don't like being in the crossfire between hunters and those who oppose the giveaways.
  22. The track repeatedly was caught in the crossfire after that.
  23. The children were caught in crossfire as four men chased a fifth, witnesses said.
  24. That playground had been virtually abandoned, because children played indoors, afraid to be caught in the crossfire.
  25. More than 800 pilgrims were evacuated from the complex Tuesday to keep them out of the crossfire.
  26. That is where the British journalist, David Michael Blundy of the Sunday Correspondent of London, was caught in a crossfire and wounded early today.
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