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 crisis ['kraisis]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 危机, 危险期, 紧要关头

[医] 危象; 骤退, 临界, 极期

[经] 危机, 经济危机

  1. Relation between the two countries has reached a crisis point.
  2. In times of crisis it's good to have a friend to turn to.
  3. Her fever passed its crisis.

[ noun ]
  1. an unstable situation of extreme danger or difficulty

  2. <noun.state>
    they went bankrupt during the economic crisis
  3. a crucial stage or turning point in the course of something

  4. <noun.event>
    after the crisis the patient either dies or gets better

Crisis \Cri"sis\ (kr?"s?s), n.; pl. {Crises} (-s?z). [L. crisis,
Gr. ????, fr. ???? to separate. See {Certain}.]
1. The point of time when it is to be decided whether any
affair or course of action must go on, or be modified or
terminate; the decisive moment; the turning point.

This hour's the very crisis of your fate. --Dryden.

The very times of crisis for the fate of the
country. --Brougham.

2. (Med.) That change in a disease which indicates whether
the result is to be recovery or death; sometimes, also, a
striking change of symptoms attended by an outward
manifestation, as by an eruption or sweat.

Till some safe crisis authorize their skill.

  1. They also said they preferred diplomatic, rather than military, efforts to resolve the crisis.
  2. It faces the immense challenge of pulling Algeria out of a crisis brought on by the plummeting price of oil, which represents 97 percent of the country's export earnings.
  3. The Blue Arrow affair "undoubtedly has cast a shadow" over County NatWest, said Lord Alexander, who appeared frazzled after a week of crisis.
  4. Yet despite the severity of the thrift crisis, the board currently plans to raise only $2.9 billion from bonds through Sept. 30, the end of the current federal fiscal year.
  5. After taking into account the fallout from the China crisis, the government has projected 1989 GDP growth of 5%.
  6. The premier said that only he can prevent a return to the turbulence of the 1970s, when terrorism and an economic crisis paved the way for a 1980 military takeover.
  7. "The Federal Reserve does not need a new credit crisis," said James Grant in the issue published Friday of his newsletter Grant's Interest Rate Observer.
  8. The training exercise had nothing to do with the Persian Gulf crisis, Harper said.
  9. Krenz's new leadership has blamed Honecker and Mittag for plunging the country into the crisis and Mittag has been kicked out of the party.
  10. But the plan for Philadelphia's business-improvement district hatched long before the fiscal crisis flared.
  11. The ministerial meeting was moved to the NATO headquarters from Denmark because of a political crisis there over nuclear arms policy.
  12. This was triggered by the savings-and-loan crisis and growing investor fears about money center banks, as many banks pulled back from issuing higher and higher interest rates.
  13. Medicins Sans Frontieres, which means "doctors without borders," has sent medical personnel to crisis areas around the world.
  14. But the Reserve Officers Association and others say that not using combat reserves is a fierce blow to the morale of these citizen soldiers who train with active units and are required by law to be ready to mobilize in times of crisis.
  15. The petroleum industry as a whole did not reap a third-quarter windfall from the Persian Gulf crisis, a leading trade group said in a defense of Big Oil against charges of profiteering.
  16. That political crisis triggered the latest spasm of fighting in Lebanon's 14-year-old civil war.
  17. Officials said he would like to go to Saudi Arabia to visit American troops and to Egypt, which has supported the U.S. in the Gulf crisis, on his way home.
  18. Insurers, backed by the Reagan administration, blamed the crisis on a rash of unexpected court decisions that greatly expanded their liability for certain claims.
  19. Boussena said the oil producing nations would return to their quota system once the Gulf crisis ended.
  20. Perez de Cuellar's pessimistic comments follow his effort at personal mediation in the Persian Gulf crisis.
  21. Uno resigned to take responsibility for the July election loss, leaving the Liberal Democrats in their worst crisis since the party was formed in 1955 and began enjoying uninterrupted rule.
  22. Closer federal supervision is needed to avoid a savings-and-loan style crisis among government-sponsored enterprises providing low-cost loans to home buyers, farmers and students, congressional auditors said Wednesday.
  23. Before the Middle East crisis began, many economists had predicted that the current expansion would break that record.
  24. The crisis prompted cancellation of today's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Colombia.
  25. The collapse of oil prices in 1981 brought on the current economic crisis.
  26. Analysts attribute the slow sales to fewer jobs and less income and anxiety over the Persian Gulf crisis.
  27. It runs head-on into the deficits plaguing the United States and the economic crisis wrenching the Soviet Union.
  28. That mood in itself might end the crisis shortage, since it might soon be documented as a decline of consumer confidence.
  29. Each network spends in excess of $750,000 a week on the Gulf crisis, and that could rise to $1 million should fighting break out.
  30. U.N. chief Javier Perez de Cuellar arrived Thursday for talks with Iraq's foreign minister and said he was hopeful Iraq is ready to discuss ways to ease tension and solve the crisis caused by its invasion of Kuwait.
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