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 crest [krɛst]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 冠, 饰毛, 头盔的顶部

vi. 到达绝顶

vt. 加以顶饰

[医] 嵴

  1. The rooster bristled his crest.
  2. A wave with a crest of foam.
  3. On the crest of a wave?

[ noun ]
  1. the top line of a hill, mountain, or wave

  2. <noun.location>
  3. the top or extreme point of something (usually a mountain or hill)

  4. <noun.location>
    the view from the peak was magnificent
    they clambered to the tip of Monadnock
    the region is a few molecules wide at the summit
  5. the center of a cambered road

  6. <noun.artifact>
  7. (heraldry) in medieval times, an emblem used to decorate a helmet

  8. <noun.artifact>
  9. a showy growth of e.g. feathers or skin on the head of a bird or other animal

  10. <noun.animal>
[ verb ]
  1. lie at the top of

  2. <verb.stative> cap
    Snow capped the mountains
  3. reach a high point

  4. <verb.motion>
    The river crested last night

Crest \Crest\ (kr[e^]st), n. [OF. creste, F. cr[^e]te, L.
1. A tuft, or other excrescence or natural ornament, growing
on an animal's head; the comb of a cock; the swelling on
the head of a serpent; the lengthened feathers of the
crown or nape of bird, etc. --Darwin.

[Attack] his rising crest, and drive the serpent
back. --C. Pitt.

2. The plume of feathers, or other decoration, worn on a
helmet; the distinctive ornament of a helmet, indicating
the rank of the wearer; hence, also, the helmet.

Stooping low his lofty crest. --Sir W.

And on his head there stood upright
A crest, in token of a knight. --Gower.

3. (Her.) A bearing worn, not upon the shield, but usually
above it, or separately as an ornament for plate,
liveries, and the like. It is a relic of the ancient
cognizance. See {Cognizance}, 4.

4. The upper curve of a horse's neck.

Throwing the base thong from his bending crest.

5. The ridge or top of a wave.

Like wave with crest of sparkling foam. --Sir W.

6. The summit of a hill or mountain ridge.

7. The helm or head, as typical of a high spirit; pride;

Now the time is come
That France must vail her lofty plumed crest.

8. (Arch.) The ornamental finishing which surmounts the ridge
of a roof, canopy, etc.

The finials of gables and pinnacles are sometimes
called crests. --Parker.

9. (Engin.) The top line of a slope or embankment.

{Crest tile}, a tile made to cover the ridge of a roof,
fitting upon it like a saddle.

{Interior crest} (Fort.), the highest line of the parapet.

Crest \Crest\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Crested}; p. pr. & vb. n.
1. To furnish with, or surmount as, a crest; to serve as a
crest for.

His legs bestrid the ocean, his reared arm
Crested the world. --Shak.

Mid groves of clouds that crest the mountain's brow.

2. To mark with lines or streaks, like, or regarded as like,
waving plumes.

Like as the shining sky in summer's night, . . .
Is crested with lines of fiery light. --Spenser.

Crest \Crest\ (kr[e^]st), v. i.
To form a crest.

  1. The Red River crested Tuesday evening at Shreveport, Louisiana's second biggest city, and was expected to crest Sunday at Alexandria.
  2. It would crest in Rochester within a half hour.
  3. The chain continues to carry trendy merchandise and has been able to ride the crest of fashion waves.
  4. The Wapsipinicon River was near its crest at Dewitt and less than a foot above flood stage.
  5. They stood again as a former political prisoner in a traditional embroidered shirt presented the new crest, a white knight on a dark shield.
  6. Riding up the sides of the valley to a rocky crest, we climbed high enough to overlook the Royal Kraal, or enclosure, of King Mswati III.
  7. Lofty pronouncements emanated by the dozens from protesters riding the exhilarating crest of victory last spring. "God made the world in seven days and we have changed it in seven days," deaf chemistry professor Charles Giansanti said then.
  8. The king wore a white tengkolok, or Malay royal headdress, made of silk with the state crest in diamonds pinned at the top.
  9. Between 6 and 10 inches of rain have been measured since Sunday night in Kentucky, where the Rolling Fork River was expected to crest at an all-time high of 18 feet above flood stage tonight.
  10. The company hopes retailers will stock the crest shirt with other moderately priced knit shirts, while continuing to sell the alligator shirt with more-expensive golf and tennis clothes.
  11. Warnings also continued along the Wabash River from Mount Carmel, Ill., to New Harmony, Ind. The river is expected to crest about the middle of next week, at its highest stage since March 1985.
  12. He and his colleagues currently stand on the crest of a wave of approbation.
  13. Earlier, the crowd ripped down a metal Soviet crest from the outside door of the legislative building and carted it away.
  14. The Trinity River was expected to crest in Liberty at 30 feet, six feet above flood level and one foot higher than a record set in 1942, the Trinity River Authority said.
  15. An exclusive country club concerned with keeping its image off the chests of thousands stopped designer Ralph Lauren from selling shirts emblazoned with a design similar to the club's crest.
  16. At the crest of the hill, a beet loader stands idle. Laborers sit in the sun.
  17. The river was to crest about 6 feet above flood stage today, with low-lying areas of Miami, Okla., expecting damage.
  18. In Washington state, cooler weather and lighter wind aided firefighters battling a 3,600-acre forest fire along the crest of the Cascade Mountains.
  19. The river was expected to crest at Little Rock on Tuesday and Pine Bluff on Wednesday at levels higher than in the devastating flood of April 1973.
  20. Earlier, the crowd ripped down a metal Soviet crest from the outside door of the legislative building and carted it away. Some stamped on it.
  21. The 48-year-old Mr. van Agtmael is at the crest of the emerging markets wave.
  22. Gorbachev showed great interest in an electronically programmed knitting machine, which produced a six-foot banner from a card bearing his and Spaeth's signatures on the Soviet flag and Baden-Wuerttemberg crest.
  23. The rules, set down by a government agency, also say that each bird must resemble the French flag: red crest, white feathers, blue feet.
  24. Water was 3 feet deep Saturday on Rogers Avenue, a main thoroughfare at Fort Smith, Ark., where the river was expected to crest at 13 feet above the 22-foot flood stage, said Talley of the emergency services office.
  25. The river was at 19 feet, three feet above flood stage, and was expected to crest at 23 feet Saturday morning, said Gary Miller, director of disaster services for the Cincinnati chapter of the American Red Cross.
  26. The black Daimler's tires are flat, but the silver royal crest on the door is untarnished.
  27. Only the roaring dunes roar. At first, the sight of Louw sliding down the near-sheer surface of the sandy crest caused me some bewilderment.
  28. The city's mayor vowed to take legal action against developers who had been excavating at the crest of the hill.
  29. During those years, rival shoe manufacturer Reebok International Ltd. rode the crest of the aerobics wave to become a major force in the athletic footwear business.
  30. She said the crest of the bridge had fair visibility at the time of the accident, but another wall of fog was just beyond where she stopped her car and set out flares.
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