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 cream-colored 添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 奶油色的, 淡黄色的, 米色的

  1. She wore a cream-colored dress.
  2. American plant with cream-colored flowers and tuberous roots resembling kernels of corn.

[ adj ]
having the color of fresh cream

Cream-colored \Cream"-col`ored\ (-k?l`?rd), a.
Of the color of cream; light yellow. ``Cream-colored
horses.'' --Hazlitt.

  1. Paramedics had to cut the cream-colored gown to pieces to free her.
  2. The impact of the Viewpointe condominium board's order has spilled beyond the cream-colored stucco buildings that overlook a man-made pond and the rear of the shopping center in this inland community 30 miles north of Miami.
  3. In many cases, such as an 18th-century English example whose cream-colored cloth is all but obscured by a botanic garden of silk and gold embroidery, the apron becomes a canvas for artistic expression.
  4. Von Spiro, naturally, drives a cream-colored Rolls-Royce.
  5. The cream-colored relic, which dates to the 8th century B.C. and is badly chipped on one side, was returned to Israel last week after it was apparently smuggled out of the country after 1979.
  6. Everything was given a fresh coat of cream-colored paint.
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