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 cramming [kræm添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 塞满, 挤满, 填鸭式教学法

  1. He crammed as much candy into his pockets as they would hold.
  2. The boy is cramming history.
  3. I guess I'd better start cramming.

Cram \Cram\ (kr[a^]m), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Crammed} (kr[a^]md);
p. pr. & vb. n. {Cramming}.] [AS. crammian to cram; akin to
Icel. kremja to squeeze, bruise, Sw. krama to press. Cf.
1. To press, force, or drive, particularly in filling, or in
thrusting one thing into another; to stuff; to crowd; to
fill to superfluity; as, to cram anything into a basket;
to cram a room with people.

Their storehouses crammed with grain. --Shak.

He will cram his brass down our throats. --Swift.

2. To fill with food to satiety; to stuff.

Children would be freer from disease if they were
not crammed so much as they are by fond mothers.

Cram us with praise, and make us
As fat as tame things. --Shak.

3. To put hastily through an extensive course of memorizing
or study, as in preparation for an examination; as, a
pupil is crammed by his tutor.

  1. After months of stolen hours at the library, lunch breaks spent cramming on legalese,and late-night rehearsals in front of a mirror, Darish represented himself in a case concerning several hundred dollars in unpaid bills at his family's garage.
  2. The airlines deny that high-density seating is risky, but questions are being raised about whether carriers are cramming so many passengers into airliners these days that the planes are inherently unsafe.
  3. A student truck driver cramming for his final driving exam discovered he needed to review the chapter on how to stop without hitting things.
  4. The very idea of spending a year cramming for a university entrance examination may seem strange to Westerners, but in Japan admissions are based almost exclusively on standardized test scores.
  5. Here in Skokie, there is no talk of sharp drops in orders, no last-minute cramming of no-growth assumptions about gross national product into 1988 budget planning, no new cutbacks in capital spending, production or employment.
  6. Pittston President Michael Odom, referring to the industrywide contract negotiated by the Bituminous Coal Operators Association, said the union is "dead set on cramming that BCOA agreement down our throats.
  7. Many of those enduring the experience, envious of the easygoing life of their college friends, say they are tempted to forget the cramming and go to some lesser college they don't have to cram for.
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