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 courteous ['kɚtjəs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 彬彬有礼, 谦恭的

  1. It was courteous of him to help the old lady with her bundles.
  2. Not courteous or in good taste; ungracious.
  3. A person who is virtuous is also courteous.

[ adj ]
  1. characterized by courtesy and gracious good manners

  2. <adj.all>
    if a man be gracious and courteous to strangers it shows he is a citizen of the world
  3. exhibiting courtesy and politeness

  4. <adj.all>
    a nice gesture

Courteous \Cour"te*ous\ (k?r"t?-?s; 277), a. [OE. cortais,
corteis, cortois, rarely corteous, OF. corties, corteis, F.
courtois. See {Court}.]
Of courtlike manners; pertaining to, or expressive of,
courtesy; characterized by courtesy; civil; obliging; well
bred; polite; affable; complaisant.

A patient and courteous bearing. --Prescott.

His behavior toward his people is grave and courteous.

  1. Mr. Buchanan's response to the resignations was courteous but cool.
  2. Hot Ticket Have you noticed the police are becoming much more courteous?
  3. Glenconner is a scrupulously courteous man, and inexhaustibly knowledgeable about the Windward Islands and their ways.
  4. John Taylor of Geneva Switzerland, general secretary of the World Conference on Religion and Peace, said the letter was merely a courteous response to solicited comment.
  5. He was courteous, but declined to agree that he should redraft his theory which used the variance of the mean as a measure of the risk. It all depends, of course, on what you are trying to achieve.
  6. In his first public appearance he was dignified, courteous and polite.
  7. The staff at the charming Hotel Jezero, set on the shores of Lake Bohinj, is courteous and hospitable. Rock-climbing and white- water rafting may interest some holidaymakers at Bohinj.
  8. Officers on the city's west side are handing out movie passes to courteous and careful drivers.
  9. But it does say something about inflexible German press practices, and the naivety of the correct and courteous Mr Schlesinger.
  10. Mr Yavlinsky is by turns impatient and jocular, always at the centre of attention or striving to be: Mr Gaidar is courteous, slightly awkward and formal.
  11. These may have been published originally in English or another language, but it would be courteous to have the main points printed on a separate piece of paper in Japanese and inserted in each document. Meetings.
  12. "Because of this fast growth, maybe we should be very courteous," says Takeo Otsubo, a senior vice president of an IBJ unit in New York.
  13. They also were impressed by the tea room's courteous staff, cleanliness and ambience.
  14. They're a handsome, courteous people and they treat Thubron with great restraint, especially when he asks dumb questions: Q: Would you like to live in the city?
  15. He'll get a very courteous and very thoughtful reply from Mr. Mitterrand.
  16. How courteous is that?
  17. As it was, we had to wait a few minutes for her inevitable riposte. She was, she said, 'somehow under the impression' that things were less lively, more courteous and much less robust in the Lords.
  18. Before going to Woolworths in 1960, the four agreed they would be courteous and would not miss any classes.
  19. Officials from "Miami Nice," a program to teach cab drivers to be more courteous, were invited to do the same for local cabbies in Calgary and Edmonton, Alberta, in preparation for the Winter Olympics.
  20. It was part of a national 'courteous driving day'. The campaign, sponsored by an insurance company, aims to reduce noise generated by irate drivers, and to tackle one of western Europe's highest road-accident fatality rates.
  21. At the airport, visitors are greeted by generally courteous, but thorough, customs checks.
  22. But their style was different from Pickens' courteous drawl.
  23. It is further conceded that courteous ways seem to have lingered longer in small towns than in big cities.
  24. Jim Fanizza, a Chicago-area resident who belongs to several programs, remembers when frequent-flier hot lines used to be manned by courteous employees.
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