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 county corporate 添加此单词到默认生词本
【法】 特别市

    County \Coun"ty\ (koun"t[y^]), n.; pl. {Counties} (-t[i^]z). [F.
    comt['e], fr. LL. comitatus. See {Count}.]
    1. An earldom; the domain of a count or earl. [Obs.]

    2. A circuit or particular portion of a state or kingdom,
    separated from the rest of the territory, for certain
    purposes in the administration of justice and public
    affairs; -- called also a {shire}. See {Shire}.

    Every county, every town, every family, was in
    agitation. --Macaulay.

    3. A count; an earl or lord. [Obs.] --Shak.

    {County commissioners}. See {Commissioner}.

    {County corporate}, a city or town having the privilege to be
    a county by itself, and to be governed by its own sheriffs
    and other magistrates, irrespective of the officers of the
    county in which it is situated; as London, York, Bristol,
    etc. [Eng.] --Mozley & W.

    {County court}, a court whose jurisdiction is limited to

    {County palatine}, a county distinguished by particular
    privileges; -- so called a palatio (from the palace),
    because the owner had originally royal powers, or the same
    powers, in the administration of justice, as the king had
    in his palace; but these powers are now abridged. The
    counties palatine, in England, are Lancaster, Chester, and

    {County rates}, rates levied upon the county, and collected
    by the boards of guardians, for the purpose of defraying
    the expenses to which counties are liable, such as
    repairing bridges, jails, etc. [Eng.]

    {County seat}, a county town. [U.S.]

    {County sessions}, the general quarter sessions of the peace
    for each county, held four times a year. [Eng.]

    {County town}, the town of a county, where the county
    business is transacted; a shire town.

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