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 coterie ['kotərɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 同人, 圈内人, 小集团

  1. The name is known to only a small coterie of collectors.
  2. Mary and her coterie gave a party to which we were not invited.
  3. Helen won't bowl with us; she has her own coterie of bowling friends.

[ noun ]
an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose

Coterie \Co`te*rie"\ (k?`te-r?"; 277), n. [F., prob. from OF.
coterie servile tenure, fr. colier cotter; of German origin.
See 1st {Cot}.]
A set or circle of persons who meet familiarly, as for
social, literary, or other purposes; a clique. ``The queen of
your coterie.'' --Thackeray.

  1. Bush talked with reporters as he stood outside his seaside vacation home with a coterie of advisers who flew up from Washington.
  2. In the 1960s she moved to New York, joining pop artist Andy Warhol's coterie of what he called "superstars."
  3. The group that went on after Los Pleneros, the intense four-man Colombian ensemble, Impacto Vallenato, had an even more pronounced coterie of followers who incessantly called out requests.
  4. This would at least throw some light on the cosy coterie of officials and ministers. These institutional changes are important because the persistent failure of British policies is only partly the failure of a country.
  5. The National Front has built its platform on pledges of honest, capable government, accusing Gandhi of presiding over a coterie of corruption and inefficiency.
  6. The president has declined to curb the commercial ambitions of his children or his small coterie of ethnic Chinese business associates.
  7. He began exhibiting with what was known as the London Group of artists in 1932 and emerged as a leader of another coterie called the Objective Abstractions Group.
  8. "For me it was a rite of passage." Meanwhile, the bank itself ran up losses estimated as high as $15 billion, with extensive outstanding but inactive loans to a coterie of wealthy Middle Eastern businessmen.
  9. Only Ed Meese is left from the original Reaganite coterie, which explains the increasingly neurotic attacks on him.
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