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 costs 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. As a result, costs will be reduced by as much as 90%.
  2. That hotel probably costs no less than 20 dollars a night.

[ noun ]
pecuniary reimbursement to the winning party for the expenses of litigation

  1. To hire these people, employers are offered a subsidy amounting to Pounds 2,340 per year, which falls far short of the Pounds 8,000 that the average unemployed person costs the taxpayer.
  2. This can hold up shipped cargo, and given the long and complicated Mexican custom procedures, add significantly to costs.
  3. Britain today pledged to contribute to a U.S.-organized fund to share costs of the Persian Gulf operation against Iraq, and Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady called the European portion of his fund-raising tour a success.
  4. AT&T Chairman Robert E. Allen said administrative costs are rising too rapidly and he wants to emphasize sales growth.
  5. The program in this city of 165,000 on the east side of San Francisco Bay also would help sick kids and subsidize poor parents for baby-sitting costs.
  6. It is unreasonable to expect weapons manufacturers to pay a larger share of tooling costs, for example, if the services cannot guarantee sufficient annual sales.
  7. Separately, Duke said the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issued a preliminary order prohibiting Duke from recovering the abandonment costs on the two plants in the rates that it charges its partners in the Catawba Nuclear Station.
  8. Finding costs have soared,' the company said.
  9. In the three months to June unit costs were just 0.1 per cent higher than in the same period last year, down from 1.3 per cent in the three months to May. Many analysts said they were pleased with the labour cost figures.
  10. A company spokeswoman said higher material and labor costs led to the price increase.
  11. Along with those higher labor costs, Bethlehem Steel was hampered by scheduled maintenance programs at its prize Sparrows Point plant, which significantly reduced capacity and forced it to buy steel from other producers to meet customer orders.
  12. For us, it's a very expensive activity, although for the rest of the world our costs are very low.' As well as money, these co-productions attract big names which help independent productions compete with Hollywood films.
  13. A bankruptcy judge refused to approve $3 million the professionals requested, including $1,200-an-hour in-office strategy sessions, a $275 bill for dinner for two and hundreds of thousands of dollars in overhead costs.
  14. Feed costs are one of the shrimp farmer's biggest costs.
  15. Feed costs are one of the shrimp farmer's biggest costs.
  16. Three West German steelmakers announced a tentative plan to cut costs by merging parts of their operations and slashing an estimated 3,200 jobs.
  17. And because costs in the dump business are mostly fixed, additional volume after a certain level is almost entirely profit.
  18. But it will include trimming purchased material costs, eliminating "internal inefficiencies" and "redundancies" and improving controls on product design and manufacturing costs in Chrysler's vehicle-making and selling operations, the company said.
  19. But it will include trimming purchased material costs, eliminating "internal inefficiencies" and "redundancies" and improving controls on product design and manufacturing costs in Chrysler's vehicle-making and selling operations, the company said.
  20. Yet they all agreed on the need to cut red tape and housing costs.
  21. Shifting part of the burden to taxation would not bring the real costs of the system down. Mr Johann Eekhoff, state secretary in the economics ministry, argues that it is essential to extend working lives, and counter the trend to early retirement.
  22. And in an analysis of 60 cases assigned to summary trial, the judge concluded his court would save $20,000 a day in jury costs alone by avoiding full trials.
  23. Certainly, Logan's new landing fees have drastically changed the costs of doing business at the airport.
  24. Sprint must cut costs at the same time.
  25. One-quarter of the workers are unemployed, including two out of three (20,000) miners from a once-powerful mining industry whose costs now far exceed earnings.
  26. The Senate Judiciary Committee cleared legislation requiring each federal trial court to adopt a plan for cutting costs and delays.
  27. Even though Congress has approved the Great Plains sale, the plant's high operating costs make its market value questionable in the face of depressed oil and gas prices.
  28. The incremental costs "will be favorable" due to the delivery rescheduling and the increased revenue generating capacity of the larger 757 aircraft.
  29. On March 23, Burnley said that FAA is often reluctant to write regulations that would impose additional costs on the nation's aviation industry.
  30. Overhead charges, also known as indirect costs, have been the subject of much debate in academic circles, amid federal budget austerity and declining support for university research in general.
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