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 cosmic γ-ray burst 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Ironically, a cosmic collision on that scale brings global catastrophe by ice rather than by fire.
    2. At 46, he reports for work dressed like the Boy Scout he once was, yet often spends his days immersed in cosmic dilemmas such as the future of the ozone layer.
    3. "I estimate that a stewardess who flies during her entire pregnancy will reach the unacceptable level," which he indicated was 40 percent above the normal dose of cosmic radiation that everyone routinely receives.
    4. Flint knives, some decorated with eyes and teeth, were used to cut out human hearts which were then offered to the sun to refresh the cosmic energy.
    5. 'Kiss kiss' refers to the bits where two people melt together, softened by the string section and lured by the cosmic push towards Oneness.
    6. There are over 400 books listed in the Bibliography, and a note that the list does not include the Holy Books of the great religions. The author's canvas is global, would-be cosmic.
    7. The contest operators - who had pronounced the Tass news report that the sweepstakes was a "cosmic canard" a misunderstanding - appeared today before a grand jury.
    8. The appeals court compared use of the dyes to the greater risk of cosmic radiation posed by living in Denver or of toxins contained in peanuts.
    9. The universe is believed to have been created about 15 billion years ago in a cosmic explosion.
    10. The Arkestra, often with the same personnel for years on end, has been in colourful orbit ever since. At an Arkestra show Ra's cosmic cadets fill the stage, a constellation of brass, lurex and sequins.
    11. So will larger pensions for former and present players, although with levels for the latter group bumping the legal maximum, he says the matter "isn't cosmic."
    12. Now let us remember the last two years of Mr. Gorbachev's rule, when the Soviet foreign debt made a truly cosmic leap.
    13. This is the best place on Earth for studying the heavens, they explain, because the drier the air, the better their telescopes can see the cosmic radiation that bathes the planet.
    14. Astronomers believe they have discovered the first instance of an Einstein ring, a heavenly illusion in which radio waves are bent by a distant cosmic object.
    15. A German observatory known as Rosat will be carried into orbit aboard a Delta rocket May 31 to study the heavens for sources of cosmic X-rays.
    16. Astronomers expect Rosat to identify 100,000 sources of cosmic X-rays, which cannot penetrate the Earth's atmosphere and thus are invisible from the ground.
    17. Here the blazing stars and spiraling sky are a truly cosmic vision, in relation to which the works and aspirations of man (represented by the village and church steeple) appear puny indeed.
    18. It did cause him to see a vision of a giant bathed in white light who gave him three clues to the cosmic goings-on in Twin Peaks.
    19. Engineers had said Tuesday the leading theory to explain last week's outage was that Magellan's electronics were briefly disrupted by a cosmic ray or a high-energy particle from the sun.
    20. I don't know if I am ready emotionally for the Food Sensitivity Diet, cosmic enough for the Astrologers Diet or able to accept that Fat Is a Femininist Issue.
    21. "On the cosmic scale of things, that was a close call," Holt said in the NASA announcement of the event.
    22. Like all cosmic evolutionists, he is a little vague about the details.
    23. We are still desperately looking for that whatever-it-is. One of the best guides to the cosmic tour is John Barrow, author of the T-shirt question.
    24. He also said cosmic ray "hits" on spacecraft electronics can be expected to interfere with Magellan about once each year.
    25. "One of the principal current objectives is the observation of cosmic rays and the flow of the solar wind at heretofore unexplored distances from the sun," Van Allen said.
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